Ex-Humboldt County Counsel Tammy Falor was given nearly $300,000 dollars as a "gift" from Humboldt County tax payers through the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors (BOS). The payment was basically a "payoff." We will never know why our tax dollars were given away. It would take the average wage earner in Humboldt County nearly 15 years to make that same "gift" amount. And the BOS still has no accountability? Times-Standard Online - Suit on payout to ex-counsel dismissed
Bonnie Neely, chair of the county Board of Supervisors, expressed pleasure at the court's decision. But why should she be happy with the general public being left out of the Humboldt County spending process? I am surprised there has not been more public outcry over the way our tax dollars are spent.
The sad fact is that in a few days this will be a forgotten rant.
This is how other countries’ media are covering our situation
Our own media is becoming even more passive, allowing their AP colleagues
to be banned because they insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico by its
name (...
1 hour ago
It's also strange that this decision was made three weeks ago, but wasn't reported until today, a Friday, which happens to be a notoriously bad press day.
But I doubt the T-S sat on the story.
It was in Tuesday's Mack Press and in Wednesday's Independent.
The truly sad thing is most the people reading your blog voted for Neely and continue to stand behind their decision.
Richard, you don't understand the complexity of big city living. Go back to your sand castle and focus on remembering how to get to higher ground during an emergency.
Agree with 12:27 PM.
Something is being covered up with the Falor payoff and we probably won't be able to find out what. After reading the T-S and today's ER, I have to agree that the judge was wrong in his decision.
The BOS agreed at two different closed session meetings to sign the agreement - just happened to be noticed under the wrong thing the first time around and maybe even the second time. Falor got her check after the first meeting and cashed it long before the second meeting occurred. If it had never been signed they would not have been able to get the money back by the March meeting.
I think we need term limits on the BOS.
Agreed. Term limits would help clear out the crap.
Anyone else for term limits for the Slipperyvisors?? That is the only way we will get in new people that just might do something - Richard are you listening??
They get in for 4 years and start running their campaigns in year 2 or 3 and then get reelected and it starts over again.
Most of them claim to have done everything single handledly even though they were on a committee of ?? people and just happened to vote yes even though they might not have known what they were voting for just voted with their "friends".
Something stinks in the Falor payola. Anyone know if she has a job yet?? Of course with the money she got, she probably doesn't have to work just yet!
The election is less than a year away for Jimmy Smith, Roger Rodoni and John W. Who is running against these relics? Somebody hopefully.
I think Nick Bravo is going to run.
Nick Bravo has been having psycho fake conversations online with his alter-ego Anon.R.Mous. Is that a qualification for office?
Hey anon 6:07! Wes Chesbro eats babies and he's qualified for office.
I think baby eaters are lower on the scale than nutjobs so YES, Nick has a chance.
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