The HCDCC hosted Chicken by the Sea was a great success. Hundreds of people and a great Trinidad atmosphere. Assembly person Patty Berg and State Senator Patricia Wiggins were there. Other local politicos past and present were introduced. Wes Chesbro was announced and took the opportunity to grandstand his potential run at Berg's seat if legislation is not changed to allow term limits to be lifted. If she can not run, Wes was asking for people to sign pledge cards asking for early endorsement and pledges. The "Friends of Wes Chesbro" endorsements can be sent to PO Box 11613 SANTA ROSA, Ca. 95406. (No, I did not sign one. Early in the game ya know.)
Evergreen Pulp sponsored a day with the Humboldt Crabs last weekend. I worked to cover June Sullivan so she could watch her son "Hop" Sullivan play. Many Evergreen workers were there and the Crabs won. But they did not play Hop. Why? Got me. He was leading the team in On Base Percentage and had the 4th highest batting average on the team. It seems that local players get lost in the shuffle for out of town players who are not that much better. Seen it play out since the 70's. That is why I do not frequent their games now.
Why did Brad Botkin go off on the Humboldt Steelheads? Times-Standard Online - Where's the drama? They have beat the Crabs 3 times in the last two years. Why rain on their parade? The Steelhead team is playing in Weaverville this weekend against the Redding Tigers and will hopefully pull in a big crowd for the Trinity County baseball fans.
We have a serious void for players 20 years and up who want to play competitive hardball. The Steelhead had to cut many players to get down to 30! And the Eel River Hardball team that I have played for has more players than they can handle. Maybe a few more teams can form over the winter.
Lots of people out this weekend at the Farmers Market in Arcata and many ATV people were camping and enjoying the Samoa Dunes. Oh yes, the surfers are out in force.
This is how other countries’ media are covering our situation
Our own media is becoming even more passive, allowing their AP colleagues
to be banned because they insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico by its
name (...
1 hour ago
Chicken by the sea? What an appropriately named event!
Richard. Are you going to run against Chesbro or endorse him? Make up your mind.
Running against him,or endorsing him. Isn't that the same thing?
I didn't sign the card either, Richard. The event went very well and was well attended. Jamie did a fantastic job organizing it, too. It was great to see you and Robin, Richard! There was lots of good energy at the event.
Too bad Pelosi won't put impeachment back on the table where it belongs.
I always thought Ron was a goner. They can't kill Harry, but who cares about that ginger kid?
The 12:41 comment above by anon.r.mous is proof that he is in fact Nick Bravo, as Nick Bravo has left that very same post elsewhere today including Humboldt Herald.
Nick bravo is NOT anon.R.mous. The fact they visist the same blogs at the same time and post in the same threads and say pretty much the same thing is pure COINCIDENCE.
Personally I think Anon.R and carson (joel meilke) park ranger are the same person.
Nope. Nick Bravo is definitely the a-hole Anon.R.Mous. At 12:41PM Anon.R.Mous made the exact same post above on this blog that Nick Bravo made in several threads at Humboldt Herald only a few minutes later. Case closed.
It is kind of strange that anon.R.mous has denied being Nick Bravo,yet Nick has never denied being anon.R.mous.
Check out Samoa Softball’s Democratic Chickens By The Sea thread. At 12:41PM today Anon.R.Mous made the exact same post on Samoa Softball that Nick Bravo made on this blog above at 12:51PM. Coincidence? Hardly. Nick Bravo is the a-hole Anon.R.Mous. Busted boy! Hank Sims is going to bend you over in his Town Dandy column and have his way with you.
LOL Are you people really this stupid?
Check it out! Nick's bashing me yet again!
Oh wait.
Hilarious! He owned you good Anon! Real good!
Nick, aren't you stalking me a little bit too much these days?
In another episode of Nick "Rotten Tooth" Bravo....
Nick, your tooth is disgusting. You need to rip it out of your face.
That's right. One time I went to the store in Willoow Creek to get ice cream. The store had run out. They said that a mountain lion had bought all of it. Later I saw a pint of Cherry Garcia near a large shadowy clump of bushes, but I ran the other way and heard a mountain lion say "DAMN IT!"
Are you saying Nick Bravo hired that mountain lion Charles?
Nicks supposedly moving to phoenix in september. If so then why should he spend a bunch of money for a place here for a few weeks?
Rob, Your blog died back in may.
Go away.
Rob, this is what brings you out of the ether? The prospect that northcoast jounalos might be gay?
Maybe you should stick your head back in the books, its not very flattering spending 10 years getting a BA.
Poor Rob, now that Harmony's done using him as a stepping stone he has nowhere to go.
Maybe Richard and shane could take him in.
oh geeze.
I knew cracking jokes wasn't worthwhile.
Wow-Go out of town a few days and the blog goes south quick.
Where did you go fatty?
He was at Bohemian Grove eating babies with wes chesbro and guvner ahnuld. They were plotting the assembly race.
Richard, your blog went south a long time ago, just like Road Kill.
I love roadkill!
So Nick Bravo has another anonymous attack blog set up for himself under the fake "Mr. Mountain Lion" ugly can this little twerp get with his insane stalking?
What is the Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee up to these days? Apparently not much, as Richard says very little about the HCDCC on his blog. Give us the details Richard. Since Richard is an appointed member of the HCDCC, he should have more to say on the subject.
8:45pm-I just did! Read the topic heading!
Chicken By The Sea is not an inspiring action on the part of the HCDCC. An appropriately titled event for the HCDCC perhaps.
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