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Hey out there! It would be great to have a actual contesting presidential candidate visit Humboldt County in the heat of an election! Copy and paste this address and help make it happen! http://www.humboldtforedwards.org
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1 hour ago
Nick's bashing shane!!!
I have a problem with Shane's politics but I'm not obsessed with his sexuality the way most of you are.
So stop the gaybashing!
Anon 4:35, you think I'm animated in that vid? Just you wait till I verbally rip someone else wide open. Course I was being really nice to shane.
Feed your need for all the latest analysis and news about the Reggae War at www.reggaewarrior@blogspot.com.
Are you a Reggae Warrior?
If you want to talk crap about people, please do it with your true idenity. Shane deserves better.
How someone could post some of these comments and look themselves in the mirror and respect themselves is beyond me. Grow up and go to some other blog and spout your hatred.
Hey Richard, check out Eric Kirks page. He is making fun of Shane and allowing posts that belittle the youngster.
takes a fool to know a fool.
Would that more people Shane's age were halfway as engaged as he. I made fun, but intended nothing sinister.
Eric Kirk, this is child abuse and I do not approve!
Settle down! Todays do nothing bureacrat is tommorrows do nothing assmblyman. Just ask Chesbro.
I think Shane is great and if there were some POSITIVE energy in this town instead of all the hatred and idiocy that seems to be attracted to this blog, we could GET JE here. Please anyone who hasn't done it yet please go to the Eventful website. Some good person named Dave called the Peter B Collins show about it today and hopefuly a lot of people heard it
Hey, 1:04, before you start criticizing bureaucrats maybe you should learn how to spell the word. Three misspelled words in one sentence equals zero cred. Go back to school. And learn something.
8:44, your last sentence, "And learn something", is an incomplete sentence. Before you criticize the grammar of others, maybe you should go back to school and get it right yourself.
Why in the hell would we want John Edwards to come here? We have enough shitty lawyers in this area, we don't need to import any more.
Anon.....shut it!
Shane is homely.
John Edwards is feeling pretty.
John Edwards eats babies to help him keep that natural glow and those pearly white teeth.
Nick Bravo is Anon.R.Mous. Nick is so stupid he screwed himself on this very blog this afternoon. It's been proven Nick or Anon.R.Mous or Ryan Fenster or whatever your name is. You are busted!
I prefer to be addressed as Bravo De Christos. I have many aliases, among them Fredrick Rothschild, Richard Gates, Maximillian Luthor, Harrison Cavendish, Alexander Hilton, etc.
I want to apologize for all the crude sexual gaybashing in my comments about Shane. I have unresolved issues with him and I expressed my feelings in the worst way by teh anonymous blog poasts since last year. Im jealous since Shane won his vote and I never did.
Shane, Im so sorry. I could blame someone else but I wont. My actions are my fault and you did nothing to make me fall in love with you any more then Harmony did.
Don't worry about it Nick. You got 1% of the vote and Shane only got 15%. It's not like Shane is anything more than a legend in his own mind.
Different races. They have never run against each other.
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