The Northcoast Journal recently had a LTE from our own past 1st District Assembly Member Virginia Strom Martin, asking for the accountability of the Headwaters money. North Coast Journal February 8, 2007 : THE TOWN DANDY : Armistice Day In 1997 Virginia advocated for 20 million dollars to be set aside for "jobs and economic development." Palco fought Virginia's efforts threw the media, but Virginia prevailed and flew up with then Governor Pete Wilson to present the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors with a 13 million dollar check with the inscription, "for jobs and economic development." For several years this fund sat untapped collecting interest. Is that money helping the displaced workers at Palco in any way now?
I do know that I tried unsuccessfully to solicit money from the Headwaters fund for a feasibility study for the workers at the Samoa Pulp Mill to purchase the Pulp Mill through a Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP). I had little help and many roadblocks in my effort to guide the workers. And we were talking of hundreds of living wage jobs in balance at that time. Humboldt County was just fortunate that Lee and Mann from China purchased the Pulp Mill at very little investment.
I do need to thank Micheal Twombly for helping me through the process in helping the workers efforts to purchase the mill. In hind site it would have been great idea. Evergreen Pulp has been very successful.
This is how other countries’ media are covering our situation
Our own media is becoming even more passive, allowing their AP colleagues
to be banned because they insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico by its
name (...
1 hour ago
Thats a great question Richard, it's funny how silent everyone is on this one. Come on Dems! At least Rob Arkley is taking up the torch for the people who cannot afford to buy a home in this area, If our Supes are not going to use Headwater money it should all go to Palco workers and to affordable housing; except of course the $600,000.00 Neely wasted. Come on Dems lets help this noble cause. Or is it up to the Republicans to get everything done for us?
Hey Richard, why are you the only one speaking up on this? I mean, why are there no PALCO workers or pensioners speaking up?
They should speak for themselves. And if they cant do that, then oh well. One of these days they will have to understand something about solidarity.
Spoken from a true Humboldt Dem. Its everyone elses job to fix things, the local Dems are never willing to do the work or give up money. On the local level I am ashamed to call myself a Democrat.
Thanks for the work that you do Richard, locally you are truly one in a million when it comes to local Dems. added to my 9:41 post
why are there no PALCO workers or pensioners speaking up?
As Hank Sims pointed out in a recent Town Dandy, they're still hoping to recover some of the money PALCO owes them.
Holding desperately needed money over someone's head is like putting a sock in their mouth.
One worker anonymously told Hank "those fuckers knew" about the impending bankruptcy back in January when they promised the pensions.
So they knew and they lied to the workers, the media and the community (not the first time!). And now the creditors have nothing but hope that the crooks will act in good faith.
Arkley and his cronies have no intention of providing "affordable housing". They just want to sudbivide as much land as they can into as many buildable lots as they can to make as much money as they can. They are just using the phrase "affordable housing" as a tool to get what they want . . . more money.
You people are clueless about economics.
Heraldo it doesn't matter if the money is being held over the workers heads. They and they alone have to do something about this. Its nice that Richard speaks up, and Hank Sims writes a few inaccurate articles, but ultimately its up to them.
They have not unionized in the past, and by the way it is highly illegal for a company to prevent union organizing. They were not forced at gunpoint as you and others would like to believe but came to this point of their own volition. Let it stand as an example of what happens to you without a union, without respect for your fellow workers.
The world is very gray Heraldo, sorry to break it to you.
Thanks for peeling apart the onion, 3:34.
My reference to the money held over their heads is the money owed them now, because of the bankruptcy.
Clearly, they should have unionized decades ago.
...Hank Sims writes a few inaccurate articles...
Put up or shut up, 3:34.
Union, schmunion. Anyone with any brains could have seen this coming years ago and if you worked for PALCO you should have gotten your shit together in anticipation of this and gone out and gotten another job or opened your business. You have to plan ahead and give yourself options. If you don't have the brains or the guts to do so then too bad. The world is not fair, and if you count on others to make everything right for you then you are just pissing into the wind.
So, as Richard stated earlier why is it so hard for Evergreen to fill these union jobs?
Where are the palco workers who still have jobs? Why are they not striking in solidarity with their newly unemployed and f-cked over brothers?
Sorry but these are not simple victims. Heraldo and Sims would like to paint them as such. But it would be grossly negligent not to point out that these workers had the power to save their own collective asses this entire time. Oh, and they still do! But you have Sims painting them as powerless. You have Heraldo baiting them to hate corporate America. How about encouraging them to stand as one?!?!
Both of you have only served to divide the workers. Good job Boys. Chalk one up for the Liberal Bourgeoisie.
Another example Sims and Heraldo may want to read about is the meat packing plant out in Virginia or the Carolina's. Sorry, I don't have a link, but you can google it. It's been a major ongoing story over the past year or two.
Immigration raided the plants a couple months ago, and netted a couple hundred illegals that they could verify. The company began harping on the ones ICE couldn't get. What did they do?
Out of a plant of 5000 workers, they got the damn plant to strike over a couple hundred! They had no union at the time. The Federal Government, Corporate entity, local population and national sentiment were against them. They got their motherfucking jobs back. Don't take my word for it, go and read.
Heraldo, Sim's and the other unattached white collar Bourgeoisie liberals like to paint these workers as helpless. Hurwitz is a god (An evil one) who you cannot fight against. Bullshit! Do some damn research. They are most certainly not helpless!
All right -- you're kind of a simple-minded ass, but your heart is halfway in the right place. You wish that Palco workers were the kind of smash-the-corporate-state anarchist types who hummed the Internationale at lunch and discussed Derrida during their coffee breaks, so that you and your fellow bongo players could groove on them. As it is, they're trogs who deserve what they get.
Well, maybe there was a time when a union drive could have done some good -- maybe right after the Maxxam takeover (when the pension fund was defrocked), maybe 10 or even 15 years later.
Tell me, do you really think a unionizing could do a damn thing right now except screw the people who are hanging on? Look -- all his land is going to be taken from him very, very soon, but Hurwitz still has some logs in the deck. Does it really make much difference to him whether those logs get milled or not? He could shut down the works, wholesale his inventory to Simpson or Harwood or Mendocino Redwoods. It wouldn't really make much difference. He likes to keep the illusion that he's got a business going, because he's got a long-shot chance at getting a recovery plan to his liking in the bankruptcy court. But you think he's going to bother with that long shot if he's also got to deal with a strike?
In any case, what are the striking workers going to demand? He's on his way out, dude. They've got no leverage.
There is a point hiding underneath all your patchouli, though, and that's the fact that workers might as well start getting organized for what comes next. No argument there.
As a Palco worker, I want to thank Mr Sims for shedding light on this subject. For the record, I have been stone-walled time and time again when I have talked to personnel in charge of the Headwaters Fund and asked about the lack of assistance being given to layed-off Palco workers. I was flatly told that the monies given to the county was never expressly ear-marked for Palco workers. A number of us at Palco remember things differently. I remember that a portion of that money was expressly set aside for displaced timber-workers who would be adversely affected by the Headwater agreement. I recently spoke to Virginia Strom-Martin after her letter came out and she assured me that helping displaced Palco employees was indeed her intention, and that the legislative records in Sacramento backed her up. I am working hard to organize layed-off and currently employed Palco employees in order to adress the county supervisors as to the lack of help being given to us through the HWF. I know that there are many on the "left" in Humboldt who have always hated Hurwitz and clearly saw what he was up to from the beginning. We Palco workers who stayed on in the hopes that Hurwitz would never do something as evil as he has clearly done did so in the hopes of being able to live a quiet, peaceable life with our families in the county we love. We have been through a veritable hell, with environmentalists on one side trying to shut us down at every turn and Hurwitz on the other side, ripping us off and turning our lives into a giant perpetual free-fall. We dont ask for sympathy from the left. We only wish to remind you that it is easier to see when standing on the outside of the hurricane than being caught up in the middle of it.
Let me tell you all something. Yes the workers from Palco are scared. They have sought counsel for their wages, but are afraid to speak up in fear of losing what little chance they have at garnering promised severance. I know it sounds weird that they won't stand up, but in this case you have many workers with lots of years employment that are holding out faint hope of returning in the future. Reality has not sunk in and most do not know of life outside of the mill.
Let me point out again the workers at Hambro's Particleboard plant. They had an NLRB union certification election in 1998 and the company (then Louisiana Pacific) won by one vote and kept the union out. In 2002 LP sold the mill to Hambro. Hambro fired all 100+ workers and let them apply for up to 4 dollars an hour less, less benefits, no vacation, no holidays. Well of course all those workers told them to stuff it right? Wrong. Nearly all of those workers took the pay cuts and are still there to this day. It was what they knew and were comfortable with. And, they weere not strong enough to stand up and be a unit/union. And they paid dearly.
When a company goes bankrupt is not the ideal time to organize. They should have done that years ago. The workers through the years at Palco have been fortunate that past union sawmills for years set the pay structure for mill workers locally.
Back to the issue at hand. If I was a worker past or present of Palco I would start making phone calls and make sure you can get a good showing at the next Board of Supervisors meeting. Put the Headwaters funds at the forefront as a public issue. Find a spokesman or point of reference person to address your issues through the media. Call Hank Sims, the ER the TS and all others. Make your case or feeling known.
You all must have seen how the workers at Evergreen show up at pertinent times at meetings to address issues, (environmental, water, labor and such) it is part of being a union of workers! We may not always agree with each other, but we do understand the power of solidarity and how to use that strength when needed.
9:05pm Your post came up while I was writing my post. Thanks for chiming in, and yes, I encourage you to show up at the BOS meeting, and please update your progress of getting the workers together. Yes, we "lefties" are willing to fight the good fight. Helping "working class" is high on our agenda.
Kind of ironic 2 years ago.
3/31/04 PALCO Should
Show Efficiency
Dear Editor,
As a Republican, I do not believe in labor unions. Unions create class warfare which is not good for business and efficiency.
But owners and management make more money, and, in return for this, they must treat their employees fairly. Many of the big industrial tycoons of history would, when they modernized and streamlined their operations, find some other way to profitably employ their workers.
I never thought Pacific Lumber would give its people the shaft like it did last week. I’m losing a lot of bets on this because my neighbors have been predicting it would happen for years. They pointed to all Pacific Lumber’s subsidiaries being sold off, to the firing of PL loggers and contracting with out-of-state firms.
They pointed to MAXXAM hiring low-wage immigrants, happy to be in the United States and sending a check back home.
And they argued that MAXXAM’s bankrupting of Kaiser, duping and dumping its workers, showed what would happen in Humboldt.
And now here it is, this “voluntary severance” package. A week of pay for every year you worked doesn’t add up to much unless you are Methuselah. MAXXAM spent $25 million on a highly automated mill, so I don’t see how they can blame layoffs on environmentalists.
If it cared about its workers, it would establish a value-added facility in Scotia, using stumps and other downfall. This could turn a profit and employ those 400 layoffs, without draining tax dollars from state and county aid programs. Now that would show true Republican efficiency.
Dave Castonguay
I fail to see how HWF is an answer in this situation. Do the workers have plans to train in other fields? How would the money be distributed? How does this solve the problem for people who have already 'retired' and not gotten money? Where would they be employed in Humboldt once retrained?
I doubt you could support a family with HW Funds. Wouldn't you only be allowed to spend money on education, not bills for houses or lifted trucks?
Richard, can you explain why its not a good time to organize when a company files bankruptcy?
9:05 -- Well said.
9:49pm-Because them dirty bastard union busting consultants will ride that "give the company another chance"-"This is harmful for any chance at us making it"-"Were broke and you are doing this" oh their would already be fuel to stoke their fires, and obviously, this group of workers at PL have never been motivated to work together for union drive. It would be a disaster. Hurwitz himself would show up begging for another chance. Oh, the scenarios in my mind that I have seen in past organizing drives are just reeling. No. The time is not now.
But they can organize in a different way, and that is what I was talking about earlier, through government and media avenues.
... This is what happens when you don't organize.
Anyways Richard, you need to run for office again. This thread reminded me of why you should be in office. I bet you can do it next time. You got the name recognition now!
Excellent thread. I blogged about it here and quoted you, 9:05.
Thanks Heraldo! I have to work the 7am to 7pm shift today, and I hope more Palco people will use your blog thread today to maybe take a step forward!
United we bargain, Divided we beg!
This is what happens when you stick your head in the sand and ignore all the warning signs for years on end.
I heard a woman on KMUD "Thank Jah It's Friday" yesterday. She said there is a meeting scheduled next Friday, March 2, at the Riverlodge in Fortuna for people affected by the bankrupcy. I think she said it was a 5:30. Apparently, they will have some lawyers present to talk with people. Sorry, I don't know much else. Perhaps one could call KMUD or the Riverlodge for more information.
Yes Carol:
The Riverlodge from 6-8 on March 2nd. I will not be able to make it. B-Ball and Brew for me that night. (Priorities what they are)
As one of the Palco workers that got the "shaft" reguarding the severance, I find the hasty comments from some people a little telling about what kind of people they are. When i go to the job market and say "I want to train in this" and they say "we don't have money for that" I say "what about the Headwaters money ?" They say " we don't get any Headwater money" I say "WTF"!
Somewhere I have a copy of the MOU that was signed by the public agencies to obtain the Headwaters money. It does mention for creation of jobs but nothing specific about "retraining" or some of the other ideas that have come up here. You could certainly try asking the Supes but sometimes they seem to be deaf. At Headwaters Fund Board the funds go to public agencies/non profits and not to any "private" business or to form a private business. REDEC loans money to businesses from Headwaters money. The Headwaters Fund Board has one fund that loans money but so far the loans have been to public agencies.
I have commented in the past and I will do it again: The Headwaters money has created very little job creation and the ones that it has created rarely pay living wages and come no where close to replacing the $15 an hour plus that the displaced workers made at PL! I tried to tap into the fund myself with little help to do a feasibility for the workers of Samoa Pulp to buy the mill. The administrators of this fund should be held accountable!
HWF money is for all the workers of Humboldt, not just timber workers who couldn't unionize to save their own life. You think you're a priority? Get in line.
Do you think Hurwitz was secretly funding the earth firsters in order to hasten the demise of the company and cash in his chips? I'll bet you a dollar to a dime he was!
10:37pm-Regardless-The money should have been earmarked for projects and business improvements providing living wages. Can you argue that?
I dont argue that Richard, but the need is huge. They are lied to by their company and suddenly palco workers should get top priority?
I agree the money should start to be spent. But spent on what? What are we retraining for? Who would hire them? Theres a great need for air conditioning specialists, but we dont need AC in Humboldt.
Living wage has become a term that's being throw around almost as much as affordable housing. Do either of them actually mean anything?
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sammy4u -
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see her squirt -
she got switched -
she takes it black -
shocking parties -
stacy bride -
street blowjobs -
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sweet devon -
tawnee stone -
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teeny bopper club -
terry lightspeed -
tgirl adventures -
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facial humiliation -
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first time auditions -
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gigi lightspeed -
got fooled -
heather lightspeed -
heels and hoes -
her first throatjob -
hood hunter -
horny spanish flies -
housewives in action -
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she got switched -
she takes it black -
shocking parties -
stacy bride -
street blowjobs -
street ranger -
sweet devon -
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evitas playhouse -
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facial humiliation -
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first time auditions -
giants black meat white treat -
gigi lightspeed -
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heels and hoes -
her first throatjob -
hood hunter -
horny spanish flies -
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im live -
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sammy4u -
sapphic erotica -
see her gag -
see her squirt -
she got switched -
she takes it black -
shocking parties -
stacy bride -
street blowjobs -
street ranger -
sweet devon -
tawnee stone -
taylor little -
teen movie zone -
teeny bopper club -
terry lightspeed -
tgirl adventures -
tgirl island -
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the big swallow -
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boys first time -
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brandi belle -
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britney lightspeed -
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captain stabbin -
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erica lightspeed -
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euro sex parties -
evitas playhouse -
extra big dicks -
extreme asses -
extreme naturals -
facial humiliation -
faith lightspeed -
female pov -
first time auditions -
giants black meat white treat -
gigi lightspeed -
heather lightspeed -
heels and hoes -
her first throatjob -
hood hunter -
horny spanish flies -
housewives in action -
im live -
in focus girls -
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moms creampie -
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mr chews asian beaver -
mr skin -
nikki grinds -
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panties and fannies -
papi -
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please bang my wife -
public invasion -
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rachel 18 -
real brazil hardcore -
reality kings -
reality pass plus -
ronni tuscadero -
round and brown -
round mound of ass -
sammy4u -
sapphic erotica -
see her gag -
see her squirt -
she got switched -
she takes it black -
shocking parties -
stacy bride -
street blowjobs -
street ranger -
sweet devon -
tawnee stone -
taylor little -
teen movie zone -
teeny bopper club -
terry lightspeed -
tgirl adventures -
tgirl island -
tgirls on girls -
the big swallow -
throat jobs -
tinys black adventures -
tranny surprise -
true twinks -
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all sites access -
a lucky stranger -
anal destruction -
ashley lightspeed -
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ass parade -
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bang match -
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college teens bookbang -
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ebony love line -
erica lightspeed -
euro fuck toys -
euro sex parties -
evitas playhouse -
extra big dicks -
extreme asses -
extreme naturals -
facial humiliation -
faith lightspeed -
female pov -
first time auditions -
giants black meat white treat -
gigi lightspeed -
heather lightspeed -
heels and hoes -
her first throatjob -
hood hunter -
horny spanish flies -
im live -
in focus girls -
in the vip -
i spy camel toe -
jordan capri -
kinky lesbo -
lacey white -
latin love line -
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lesbo 101 -
lightspeed 18 -
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mandy lightspeed -
man hookups -
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men over 30 -
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milf hunter -
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milf next door -
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moms creampie -
monsters of cock -
mr big dicks hot chicks -
mr chews asian beaver -
mr skin -
nikki grinds -
ox pass -
panties and fannies -
papi -
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please bang my wife -
public invasion -
pussy ass mouth -
rachel 18 -
real brazil hardcore -
reality kings -
reality pass plus -
ronni tuscadero -
round and brown -
round mound of ass -
sammy4u -
sapphic erotica -
see her squirt -
she got switched -
shemale hookups -
she takes it black -
shocking parties -
stacy bride -
street blowjobs -
street ranger -
sweet devon -
tawnee stone -
taylor little -
teen movie zone -
teeny bopper club -
terry lightspeed -
tgirl adventures -
tgirl island -
tgirls on girls -
the big swallow -
the pipe layer -
throat jobs -
tinys black adventures -
tranny surprise -
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xxx proposal -
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all big cocks -
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all sites access -
a lucky stranger -
anal destruction -
ashley lightspeed -
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ass parade -
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bait bus -
ball honeys -
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bang bus -
bang match -
bare foot maniacs -
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big and slutty -
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big naturals -
big tit patrol -
big tits round asses -
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black cocks tiny teens -
boys first time -
boys gone bad -
brandi belle -
britney lightspeed -
bruno b -
busty adventuresc -
captain stabbin -
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circle jerk boys -
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college teens bookbang -
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ebony love line -
erica lightspeed -
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euro sex parties -
evitas playhouse -
extra big dicks -
extreme asses -
extreme naturals -
facial humiliation -
faith lightspeed -
female pov -
first time auditions -
giants black meat white treat -
gigi lightspeed -
heather lightspeed -
heels and hoes -
her first throatjob -
hood hunter -
horny spanish flies -
im live -
in focus girls -
in the vip -
i spy camel toe -
jordan capri -
kinky lesbo -
lacey white -
latin love line -
lesbian teen hunter -
lesbo 101 -
lightspeed 18 -
lightspeed dvds -
lightspeed girls -
lightspeed sorority -
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lightspeed university -
lightspeed world -
little troublemaker -
lonely wives dating club -
mandy lightspeed -
man hookups -
meaty man movies -
men over 30 -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf challenge -
milf hunter -
milf lessons -
milf next door -
milf whore -
miss mya -
moms creampie -
monsters of cock -
mr big dicks hot chicks -
mr chews asian beaver -
mr skin -
nikki grinds -
ox pass -
panties and fannies -
papi -
perfect dp -
pimp my black teen -
please bang my wife -
public invasion -
pussy ass mouth -
rachel 18 -
real brazil hardcore -
reality kings -
reality pass plus -
ronni tuscadero -
round and brown -
roound mound of ass -
sammy4u -
sapphic erotica -
see her squirt -
she got switched -
shemale hookups -
she takes it black -
shocking parties -
stacy bride -
street blowjobs -
street ranger -
sweet devon -
tawnee stone -
taylor little -
teen movie zone -
teeny bopper club -
terry lightspeed -
tgirl adventures -
tgirl island -
tgirls on girls -
the big swallow -
the pipe layer -
throat jobs -
tinys black adventures -
tranny surprise -
true twinks -
tug jobs -
vaginal cumshots -
vip crew -
we live together -
wild hot dates -
wives exposed -
xxx proposal -
xxx raimi -
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8th street latinas -
18 interracial -
adult dating friends -
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adult love line -
adult movie zone -
all big cocks -
all reality pass -
all sites access -
a lucky stranger -
anal destruction -
ashley lightspeed -
asian love line -
ass parade -
ass to mouth angels -
bait bus -
ball honeys -
bangbros network -
bang bus -
bang match -
bare foot maniacs -
barely legal -
big and slutty -
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big league facials -
big mouthfuls -
big naturals -
big tit patrol -
big tits round asses -
bikini hookups -
black cocks tiny teens -
boys first time -
boys gone bad -
brandi belle -
brandy didder -
britney lightspeed -
bruno b -
busty adventures -
captain stabbin -
casting couch teens -
circle jerk boys -
coeds need cash -
college party dates -
college teens bookbang -
cumfiesta -
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