Bonnie Neely and Nancy Flemming will be spending well over $250,000 (that’s right, a quarter of a million dollars) in their battle for the Humboldt County 4th District Supervisor seat. A similar battle is going on with our neighbors to the east in Anderson. Shasta County is having a highly contentious 5 district Supervisor race. Les Baugh and Norma Comnick have raised only $90,000 between them! The Redding Rancheria donated $3,000 to each candidate keeping an even playing field. Still that leaves the Shasta candidates only $160,000 behind the Humboldt County contestants.
Kind of weird that our county that has 50,000 less people than Shasta with an average of $4,000 less a year per median income than Shasta, would need to spend this kind of money on the Supervisor position. Oh, just for the record, 10% more Shasta residents own their own homes than Humboldt. What is happening to Humboldt County? Or what is wrong? Is it Bonnie's fault? Will Nancy be able to solve our county woes? Guess we will find out soon enough.
Just a side note: The Greater Redding Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee gives out $5,000 a pop for their chosen candidates. They really love their Republicans over there in Shasta.
But go figure this! Six candidates have raised $273,147 in the race for the three Redding City Council seats. They are way ahead of the Eureka challengers of three council seats. They will only be spending around $100,000. And over 25% of all monies donated in the City Council races are from Bill Pierson and Petrolia resident Ester Saunoras to the liberal candidates. And we were all led to believe that the right wing contributors would “buy” their candidates way to victory. The scale kind of tipped in the other direction.
This election is going to be crazy to the end I tell you!
Convicted sex offender Jacob Roberts arrested two years later and once
again for possession of child pornography
Fortuna Police Department just issued this press release. I covered Jacob
Roberts before and he was arrested again by FPD for the same charge.
2 minutes ago
How much (what percentage) came from Arkley/Kramer/Harper/DeBeni/Hank and Greg Pierson?
There isn't any shark like Richard "Dickie boy" is Shasta County.
Did you happen to notice on Rose's blog that Esther Saunoras is not registered to vote in Himboldt County and that 'someone' posted it may be the cat's name?
12:33pm I do not think those contributors have made a big inpact on the Eureka City Council race. Not nearly as much as Bill Pierson and the Cat?
Oh, just for the record, 10% more Shasta residents own their own homes than Humboldt. What is happening to Humboldt County? Or what is wrong?
Well, one possibility is that Humboldt County is a much more desirable place to live, and therefor more expensive. The coastal communities tend to be more expensive because many people prefer to live near the ocean. I once read that more than half the people in the US live within a half hour drive of the Atlantic.
12:33 you just listed 6 people as opposed to 1 Bill Pierson and 1 Ester Saunoras
Tell your candidate's husband to mind his own business. If Virginia really wants to unite Eureka she should try not to piss of Democracy Unlimited.
Bass will win this election going away! 50% to 40% for Peter and 10% for Jerry Droz.
Virginia will win this race I feel. I have talked to enough people in Eureka door knocking and phonebanking to feel pretty confident. If the La Vallee campaign has anything up their sleeve, they should be using it this week. I do not think Virginia personally was involved in the Democracy Unlimited fiasco. Why poke a stick into a hornets nest this close to the end? Nothing good can come of that. Neither my wife nor I had no prior knowledge of this per any committee meeting.
I think Virginia will win also, but not because of anything she has done. I think most people in Eureka are dissatisifed with the current city council, of which she is a part. However, Peter has proven time after time that he is a buffoon, and embarassing to the city. I have only one problem with Virginia running for mayor; she was elected to the city council for a four year term, and has only served two years of it. I say, do your term, and when it's over, if you don't like the current mayor, whoever that might be, then run for the position . . . but finish out the term you were elected to! It reminds me of a pro athlete that signs a long term contract and then wants to renegotitate after one year because someone else signed a bigger contract. If you sign a contract, then live up to the deal! If you're elected to a four year term, serve it!
The flip side to this is that if Virginia wins the mayoral election, she will no longer have voting power, except to break a tie, which almost never happens. So if you don't like Virginia's performance, maybe electing her mayor is the best way to get her off the council.
9:28 said:
"Tell your candidate's husband to mind his own business. If Virginia really wants to unite Eureka she should try not to piss of Democracy Unlimited"
Richard, someone over at Fred's blog said that Virginia asked that the City hold off on the who DUHC permit issue until AFTER the election so as to not politicize it. Any truth to that?
Also, though it does not seem likely to me, this person said it was Lavallee that got it moved to prior to the election. Doesnt seem likely, as I doubt city staff would relay this kind of thing to the mayor.
4:43-Conspiracy in Eureka politics? Say it ain't so!
3:11, well said I hope she wins for that reason as well. Out of Kuhnel,Abrams, and Glass I believe at least 2 will win. I've been knocking on doors myself and Richard is correct,people are generally dissatisfied at the performance of the sitting council,and today at the special meeting much of that was echoed.Virginia in a sense could be recalling herself and it may not be so bad if she wins.She loses voting power.If she wins and 2 of the incumbants win,the left in Eureka is screwed big time.
Well, there's the october surprise that I was told was forthcoming.
Seems that Virginia defused a lot of it by letting the details out last week. Lavallee's press conference seemed like an act of desperation.
Eric V. Kirk is out of his blankity blank mind. Humboldt County is a more desisrable place to live. Maybe if you're a marijuana grower, a criminal (rapist),a heroin addict, or a meth freak ! Can Eric V. Kirk really be that stupid ?
When's the last time Mr. Kirk was in Shasta County? And did he open his eyes while he was their?
I'm over there for depositions and court appearances often actually. Flat, hot, mono-cultural, sprawl, and no ocean. But hey, if it floats your boat, what are you doint here where homes are 2 to 3 times the price?
One thing Eric is right about . . . coastal real estate markets do tend to have higher values than inland markets. I know, I have been in the real estate business for over 20 years.
That was it? One week before the election and he whines about the jet ride to send her kid to Iraq? Who. Peter is more desperate than I originally estimated. That only looked bad. Andrew, did you put him up to that or discourage it? Even Peter's supporters think it was a bad thing.
Richard, face it, she should have reported the flight donation from the Arkleys. It's a legitimate attack.
Anon 1:21 makes a point. Plenty of anonymous posters around here are saying "rules are rules" when it comes to Democracy Unlimited's alleged zoning violations. If small rules can be broken, shouldn't that apply to everybody?
Richard if you were in this race you would be talking about her "mistake" in reporting as well. She has voted on projects the Arkley's have put forward - she is good friends with them and has accepted gifts from them, it is dubious to call these things campaign contributions.
If Chris Kerrigan took a plane ride on a DUHC jet people (on the blogs) would be howling.
God dammit people can't you be consistant? You are so hypocritical.
It isn't just that she didn't declare the two trips, it's also that she has taken others, as has Wolford. They have voted on controversial items in the Arkleys' favor more than once.
It's an issue.
Yeah seriously, if you're going to turn somebody in for zoning violations related to pancake breakfasts, you'd better keep your own nose clean.
My understanding with fppc filings is that as long as she amended her report, she is fine...which she did.
Often times there is lack of communication in campaigns with trusted managers thinking one thing or not asking the right questions.
Virginia did the best should could under the circumstances and corrected her candidate statements.
Whether the letter sent in asking if Democracy Unlimited had a business license for that neighborhood location- came from Virginia's campaign or someone else in the community- the problem was not admitted or addressed adequately and as I see it no attempt to correct has been made.
There is a big difference between a candidate willing to step up and do the right thing and an elected official unwilling to set things right and deflect by blaming others.
Virginia was a very good council person-she represented everyone after the election regardless of their positions or support before.
Peter has been an embarassment to the City of Eureka on many important occasions-nuff said.
Vote for whomever your conscience tells you-I am voting for Virginia Bass!
I wonder how many houses got hit with health code violations last night for handing out food without permits from the health department.
If Virginia herself did not acknowledge the problem, it would be a none issue. It should not be this high profile.
Would I have used this attack mode if Bonnie or Nancy would have done something of this nature? I had my chance to go negative and cause problems with Bonnie Neely. One that would shock alot of the local public. I refused to go that route. I sleep better to have not played in the mud.
But now, the rest of us have to try to sleep with the vision of a ghastly muddy Bonnie Neeley.
Thanks for taking the high road.
One thing can be counted on for sure, for certainty .... Eric is such an ass. No matter what the issue. Such smug arrogance.
One thing can be counted on for sure, for certainty .... Eric is such an ass. No matter what the issue. Such smug arrogance.
Without a doubt!
Well Eric you know how the saying goes - "admission is the first step to cure"
You go to court and depositons in Redding often, you go to court in Ukiah, you go to court in Eureka, to meet with wouldbe/wannabe politicians, you do this and that so when do you find time to work? I do the math and it doesn't work out. I know some lawyers and not one has it as easy as you. You must be the best ?!
7:29- Oh, my information is not earth shattering, and Flemmings campaign knows of the issue. Remind me after the election to share the "mud" it is kind of funny ironic stuff. No, nothing about her family or friends or gossipy type tidbits. Just past confirmable history.
Speaking of Halloween. We only had 20 some odd trick or treaters. We used to get well over a hundred. Where have all the goblins gone?
Richard, in politics it's ok to play in the mud. It's fine to sling the mud as long as you are willing to clean up at the end of the day. But it's never ok to lie. You know what I'm talking about. So don't act all high and mighty.
3:20am-Just so you all know, obviously this person knows my sister is the poster child for Left Wing Progressive Liberal Democrats. This person also knows that my sister is not happy with me supporting in any shape or form a non democrat.
Don't worry Richard-Its probably not a recessive gene that can hurt your future children.
Your sister has probably had a few mutations from hanging out with 'those kind of people'.
You have our sympathy.
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