Let me rank how my wife Robin and I thought the Eureka City Council Debate went on Wednesday. We argued and jabbed but here is how we felt:
1. Mary Beth Wolford- She was the most professional and well spoken candidate. Why was she the only candidate that brought up the pre-approved floor plans for development. This is a big issue to people who want Eureka and affordable housing to be streamlined. Oh yes, she is a life long Democrat.
2. Tie Ron Kuhnel and Jeff Leonard- They both showed they new city processes well. Ron is well spoken but where exactly did he stand on some issues such as the Marina Center? Never really answered, but I will say he is smart! Jeff explained and has been involved in the city processes that give him an advantage to most people. Too bad two fellow Democrats are battling for the same seat. Does Ron feel Jeff is doing a bad job?
4. Mike Jones-He was almost moderate. He sounded like me growing up in Eureka. Paper route, fishing the bay, growing up Eureka.......wait Mike swiped my campaign stump! Wait , no, he swiped my childhood! Republican
5. Larry Glass- He is for change. Yes he made that point. For what though. He wants government to be transparent. What does that really mean? He needs to qualify that statement and say what he has a gripe about. And yes, he needs to smile and seem approachable. (My wife made this comment.) Democrat
6. Tish Wilburne- She brought up real true thoughts and candid rancor. "If you don't like the laws, change them! Don't blame your City Council!" She needed to lighten up and be more of herself. I love Tish and her honesty. Libertarian
7. Nan Abrams- Seemed nervous, which is to be expected. But she also seemed unprepared. I saw her at the Port Development forum and expected more. She needed to be more versed on some of the subjects and needed to take an angry edge off. She is a long time union member and a Humboldt County worker in the trenches with the welfare to work program. Democrat
Statically the incumbent always has the advantage in an election. It is the job of the challenger to prove one of two things.
1. The Incumbent is incompetent and needs to be replaced.
2. That the challenger has new innovative ideas for change.
We do not feel that any of the challengers convinced us to support them in their efforts to replace the incumbents. We own property in Eureka and feel our opinion is valued. Eureka is the County seat and the economic center of Humboldt County and what takes place in Eureka affects all Humboldt County citizens.
If you have any comments let me add that we have been open and "transparent." Please post with your real name. Or you are a weiner. My wife did not say that. Samoasoftball did!
Convicted sex offender Jacob Roberts arrested two years later and once
again for possession of child pornography
Fortuna Police Department just issued this press release. I covered Jacob
Roberts before and he was arrested again by FPD for the same charge.
16 minutes ago
Good for Richard for breaking out of lock-step again with the Loco Solutions drones, anything to piss David Cobb and Richard Salzman off is well worth it.
I wanna piss of Chris Crawford.
Mary Beth may be a Democrat, but she seems very conservatrive to me with most of her viewpoints. She is well prepared but looks like a deer caught in the headlights and her opening statement sounded like she was reading a book.
I don't see much difference between Kuhnel and Leonard politically speaking. They also both seem conservative for Democrats. The thing that bugs me about Leonard is that he is very smug and acts like somehow he is better and smarter than everyone else.
Don't let Mike Jones fool you. He is a conservative Republican all the way. Too bad he doesn't have a challenger that exudes sone confidence.
I just don't know about Larry Glass. I never have really liked the guy. Maybe the rerason he doesn't smile is that he is just not a nice guy.
I don't know Nan but can you spell Socialism. What a choice, conservative Republican peacock/gay hater or Socialist.
The incumbents have all shown us how bad they are over the last four years, and they should really all be replaced. Too bad it's such a thankless job (kind of like umpiring) or we could get some better people running for the positions.
I found it interesting that virtually everyone punted the illegal alien question, saying it was a state/federal issue, while only the incumbents stayed consistent (except for Kuhnel??? dont remember his comment) regarding gay marriage, saying that it was NOT a city issue. For lack of a better term, I'd call it berkley/arcata politics..pandering to a segmentof voters, with no opportunity to do anything beyond the symbolic. i.e. a resolution.
To clarify, the pandering came from the challengers, as if, somehow they could effect some kind of change from the City Council level.
947 haveyou ever met larry? he is a like able guy..he wants the peoples input how could you go wrong with that....
You all have responded anonymously! You are all Weiner's! But to cater to some issues.....if you are going to take a incumbent out, convince people that the councilpersons are incompetent. Show some innovative idea to justify a change. This Democratic/Liberal slate was put together way late and is disorganized. Local Solutions/HCDCC will be taking a fall this election. Bill Pierson should have put his contribution toward his workers health and welfare or pension package. Hey Bill, will you give me a union neutrality agreement to organize your workers without them fearing they will be fired to organize? I have heard that you have been threatening in the past. If you are a worker at Pierson's looking for better wages and workers rights, please E-Mail me. Confidential of course.
947 haveyou ever met larry? he is a like able guy..he wants the peoples input how could you go wrong with that....
I really thought it was 'likable' of Larry to sic the cops and health dept on that evil evil woman in the pink van? Her crime? Feeding the homeless.
Yes, 947 has met Larry Glass. I have known him since I stared buying albums from the Works in the early 1970's. He may want my input, and he may not. He and his campaign people have yet to return my e-mail asking about his stand on some of the issues involved in this election. So until he gets back to me, I will not be sure that he wants my input.
Richard, what exactly is a "Weiner"? A "wiener" is a smoked sausage. A "Weeny" is something that is small or tiny. A "whiner" is someone that complains or begs in a childishly undignfied way. "Weiner" must be a word that you made up but I don't know what it is.
Well, yes Richard, I guess I am a weiner as have to post anonomously, but I am a semi highly ranked person in a humbuldt county city government, so I really cant comment using my name..(I am not an elected official, btw).
so much for my spelling skills this afternoon....doh!!! lol
Damn me. I spelled wiener wrong, so all claims of mine to your wienerness for posting anonymously are forgiven! This may be the most contentious elections in some time. It should be rowdy to the end!
933 why dont you call him at his store ??? good way to get a hold of him he is always there
9:33 Larry is totally accessable. Just call him at the Works! But do him a favor as a local business person. Buy a CD! (A Works plug)
Richard I agree that people who post anonymously deserve to be called whatever name you want to pick-I disagree that one poster works for a humboldt county city government(2:15 PM) and your name should be 'liar'. If in fact you worked for the 'government' you'd probably be able to spell it by now seeing that you are semi highly ranked-what BS!
Blogs may be for opinions, but 'impersonations' are counterproductive to making any points/convincing anyone to your side and may do just the opposite.
Put your glasses back on 2:15
oooooooh that will get him/her
Its probably a Him.
Probably a 'blond' Him.
Well, 1:11, read my next post a minute later, bemoaning my spelling skills. LOL, I have no reason to lie. Richard, I can call you from home one night if you like and verify who I am. I, like most, bang out a pretty fast response on these blogs, so my misspelling humboldt can be excused. Additionally, I didn't know that one had to be a 100% correct speller in order to work for a city in humboldt county, or the county itself. :)
Who is the over zealous spell checker? Blogs will have that. C'mon, I went to college and mis spelt then too!
If 2:15 worked for a city which 'he' probably doesn't how is this person surfing blogs on a weekday? Pretty big tipoff. City of Eureka would block you from posting so that's out.
methinks you protest too much
Do not elect anyone employed by the R.C.A.A. This includes "Needle Neely" who got this name because she's the one who thought up the idea of free needles for junkies .......with our tax money and gee ....she just took our money and did not ask if we the people want to help out these poor junkies so they won't get sick . Awwwwwwwwwww, poor junkie ! DOWN WITH NEEDLE NEELY AND LIEVALLEE !
Do not elect anyone employed by the R.C.A.A. This includes "Needle Neely" who got this name because she's the one who thought up the idea of free needles for junkies .......with our tax money and gee ....she just took our money and did not ask if we the people want to help out these poor junkies so they won't get sick . Awwwwwwwwwww, poor junkie ! DOWN WITH NEEDLE NEELY AND LIEVALLEE !
More needling of Neely. Good Grief. Specify policy she has created or sponsored that offends you at least.
On The League of Women Voters site , Bass is endorsed by , Jill Geist who is a paid enemy of the people and the r.c.a.a. to bring in more ex - felons the us government doesn't want . Hmm , i see a connection there ! Bass , has been a failure and is an enemy of the people since she wants to bring in more shelters here along with , Geist , Needle Neely , LIEvallee and the others . VOTE FOR ; JERRY DROZ
He's addressing the issues . Bass and Lavallee talk circles around the issues because they want more shelters here . Needle Neely ? NOT .
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