If the US economy wasn't bad enough already, union membership is down to 11.9%. According to the Department of Labor there was a net loss of 612,000 union members last year. In the early 1980's, union membership was over 20%! And the future is not looking much brighter. Only 4.3% of the workers between the age of 16 and 24 years of age are union! And a real glaring reality is this; 36.2% of all union members are in the public sector. Only 6.9% of the private sector is union! Most of this is because of the uneven playing field for corporations to ignore the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and the constraints in organizing through the ineffectiveness of the National Labor Relations Board upholding the bylaws and spirit of the NLRA. (I have stories galore on this while I was organizing.)
And it is not like people not wanting to be union. Over 50% of the current US workforce would like to be union. And why not. The average union worker makes $917 a week as compared to $717 a week for non-union workers.
But lets bring this closer to home. In the 1990's there were around 500 private sector union jobs on the Samoa Peninsula alone! Now there is less than 10. I know I have spewed much of this in the past. Just like to bring this up every now and then.
The International Association of Chiefs of Police and Fraternal Order of
Police issued a joint statement an hour ago on the recent presidential
The International Association of Chiefs of Police and Fraternal Order of
Police issued a joint statement an hour ago on the recent presidential
7 hours ago
One of the few public voices for the working people in this country was just let go from MSNBC. Keith Olberman is now unemployed.
Once again you can thank your friend Bill Clinton and NAFTA, and Free Trade in general for this. Republican and Democrat Parties.
Remember putting all that hard work into Bill Clintons appearance when he came to town? You groveled like a child. You sat front row hoping he's look you in the eye and smile. You felt hot inside when he did recognize your presence with a twinkle in his eye.
He shit all over you and the people of the Samoa Peninsula. Now the only viable economic option you have is selling dope to children. How sad.
What I don't understand, Richard, is that you keep touting yourself as a big labor guy, yet you continually support anti-labor candidates or candidates who have no pro-labor track record against candidates who have strong pro-labor records. IMO, your labor cred is pretty thin - and that is putting it nicely.
Andrew, You're correct, you will never understand Richard. This is due to the fact that you will never understand anyone with integrity and honor. Richard is open and honest with his opinions. Unlike you, he will tell you why he supports a person or issue and then have an open discussion. You on the other hand prefer to hide behind your blog, misrepresent your candidates positions, and conive and manipulate behind the scenes. Fortunately, the voters are not as stupid as you seem to think they are. That's why Richards candidates won and yours lost. It's also why you were forced to leave town for Sacramento. Stay there.
Integrity, something for you to think about. Naw, you don't have the capacity to understand what Richard has that you are missing.
Apologies to Richard for the last sentence of my previous post. I believe I pointed out a legitimate contradiction between Richard's words and his actions when it comes to supporting labor, and I'd still like an answer. But the final sentence was insulting and for that I do apologize.
8:27 a.m. - I would be glad to address your BS and lies if you had the balls to identify yourself. But I'm betting you don't have the courage so I won't hold my breath. I know your type.
Red Diaper Doper Baby. How is it flipping burgers in Sacramento?
Andrew: You are always quick to bash me. I chaired Virginia's campaign and we had much of labors endorsement. Which others do you want me to address? Even the Building trades and Central Labor councils split on endorsements. Are you calling them to the carpet? I supported candidates that were the voter's choices.
And please, define anti-labor candidates. I don't believe anyone ran on that platform.
BS, Richard. The Central Labor Council is the top labor organization on the North Coast, the federation of all union locals. The Central Labor Council endorsed the opponent of every candidate you supported in the local races.
The Central Labor Council endorsed Bonnie Neely. You supported her opponent.
The Central Labor Council endorsed Ron Kuhnel. You endorsed his opponent.
The Central Labor Council endorsed Peter LaVallee. You endorsed his opponent.
The Central Labor Council endorsed Larry Glass. You endorsed his opponent.
The Central Labor Council endorsed Patrick Cleary. You endorsed his opponent.
I don't care who you choose to endorse. That's your personal business. And congratulations, most of the candidates you supported won. But you went against labor this election, and the last election, so when you tout yourself as a labor champion, you shouldn't be surprised to be called out for it.
The labor leaders sold out the working man to the environmental movement long ago Andrew. I always wondered how long it would take for these two positions to collide. How can labor support candidates against the development of the balloon tract? Crazy. Glad your people lost. Two more to go.
Andrew: I have helped garner living wage benefits for thousands of union and non-union workers in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and California. Verifiable. Your last comment was not true. So I will not respond. Go troll some other blog. Have a nice day.
Good for you Richard, good for you to stand up for yourself. er, or should I say roll over and sit up straighter for yourself?
I believe Jager has a long history as EPOA president. He worked hard for that union against an anti labor council in the late 70's and into the 1980's. I believe he still supports labor even though I think he is a republican.
You have a nice day too, Richard. It's always a pleasure to push your buttons.
Funny how Andrew only lists the Central Labor Committee. Pretty much all of the other labor unions/organizations supported the candidates Richard (and the majority of voters) supported.
Get over it. You lost. Stay in Sacramento.
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