I was able to garner some sign placements through my Facebook page, so I thought I would try shamelessly using my Samoasoftball blog for the same purpose. If you have a highly visible spot in Eureka or Myrtletown, just call me at 445-3432 and leave a message if I am not there.
We have been phonebanking, and while I realize it is not everyones cup of tea, if you would like to get involved in a campaign here is your chance. e-mail me at Samoafog@aol.com. We had a good showing last night, but I can't expect that kind of turnout every night. People get burned out if called upon too often.
I’ve lost track of Trump’s court losses, but this is a big one
District Court Judge just ruled that DOGE is subject to the FOIA. “U.S.
District Judge Christopher Cooper said the DOGE office has so much power
and “unusu...
8 hours ago
Maybe you can put up a sign at the Pulp Mill that will open soon, according to you and Simpson. Then, you can use the union hall for a phone bank.
Why do you rude commenters bother to post nasty messages? They only reinforce the idea that Richard's opponents are disgruntled nutcases.
If you're not a fan of Richard's candidacy, OK. But give some substantive reasons for your opinion, not just personal criticisms and allusions to his mill work.
Are there things Richard said he could and would do to help the mill continue, but then failed to fufill?
Kind of worthless energy to take pot shots anonymously. I am not sorry I try to encourage hope and not helplessness.
Where is the post and commentary on the article in the Times the other day about the imminent demise of the pulp mill?
I implore all of you to get down on your knees and pray. Three years ago today the Lord showed me a vision of the future, where great earthquakes and famines will beset this community. The bottom of the Humboldt Bay will be ripped open and drained of its life sustaining seawater. Little by little this town will be consumed into this mighty crevasse; sinners and those touched by The Light shall not be spared, unless THEY KNEEL BEFORE THE LORD OUR GOD and ask for mercy. What I ask of all of you is to support a harbor commissioner who is in love with the Lord. Someone who senses this impending doom and will work with the great white majority to ensure that as many good souls that can be saved will indeed be saved. This is no time to support a harbor commissioner who does not support the resurrection. This is no time to support a sinner! Ask your candidate their opinion on the rapture, and if he fails this simple test, banish him forthwith from you community, home, life, soul and essence. Banish him from salvation. The time is coming when this bay will be drained of its fluids. Will we have a harbor commissioner on the side of the Lord, or will we have one with demonic intent? The choice is yours.
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