I have been pushed by people on my campaign to put out signs now! I realize that one of my opponents for the 4th Division Harbor District has been putting out signs in their neighborhood, but it is too early by proper protocol.
I have told supporters that the proper timing etiquette is 5 weeks from the election. My target date is coming soon. I have had the signs for a few weeks. If you have a place available in the Eureka/Myrtletown/Samoa/Fairhaven area, please call me at 445-3432.
I’ve lost track of Trump’s court losses, but this is a big one
District Court Judge just ruled that DOGE is subject to the FOIA. “U.S.
District Judge Christopher Cooper said the DOGE office has so much power
and “unusu...
8 hours ago
Its not etiquette Richard, its election law and have you figured out why Ash didnt 24 years ago pay his deposit on that waterfront property he is would-be developer to... It seems he's not big on protocol.
What "election law" is that? I'd guess Marks is following "Hunter's manners" since its the conservative voters he's hoping to appeal to, without looking like thats what he's dong.
State law exempts temporary political signs from outdoor advertising display regulations, as long as they meet some special requirements. Five weeks before the election isn't a requirement.
Hunters manners?? what is that, polite, nice, agreeable??
Its a city ordinance re: temp signs #155.158 btw and its 90 days before, 10 days after the event/election.
The city ordinance is the same as Cal State law, as far as sign timeframes. But the 1st District extends beyond Eureka city limits.
Hunter manners are:
Ignore it when your building is leaking toxic chemicals and about to collapse;
Claim you're a victim of a witch hunt;
Accuse your detractors of harming the community;
Close down with no notice, leaving your customers in the lurch;
Pay your fine quietly, hoping no one will notice you're guilty of creating a public hazard.
so Richard where are the damn signs??
Listen to what 5:00 anonymous said... Last thing you want to do is get fined for having your yard signs up too long.
Count the days-we're already inside of 90 days to election...
Linda somebody-or-other has a sign stapled or nailed to a telephone pole!
And she's not the only candidate doing it.
Those poles are not supposed to be used as community bulletin boards. For one thing, it is not legal. For another thing, those nails, tacks and staples are a hazard to line workers who climb those poles for a living.
This is the first election I remember candidates doing this and I hope it will be the last.
Let's hope our candidates will show a little more respect for the law and for the working-class people who service our telephone, power, cable, and computer access systems. It is in everybody's best interest for us all to do the right thing.
I have a right to put a sign any damn where I please. When was the last time you heard anyone complain about tacks in a pole? I paid for that pole and it's my right to put up a sign. Especially if it is politically related. We need more people to get involved in politics not less. Like it or not these signs are going up.
Let me put it this way. I won't vote for any candidate who posts his or her signs on telephone or utility poles. I encourage you all to do the same.
To that last Anonymous writer, I, the previous Anonymous writer, thank you!
Wait. This really is likely to be confusing. There are at least three (3) separate writers writing under the name Anonymous. I'm one of them, and I'm beginning to be confused!
The line workers I know who climb poles for PG&E and the phone company say they don't like people to pound nails and staples into utility posts because they can be a safety hazard.
Besides, what kind of loser candidate has to nail campaign signs to telephone poles? The kind of candidate who can't find anybody to put a lawn sign in front of their house, I guess.
Thank you 8:56 are you also 12:49 so I can keep us all straight?
11:19 take your meds and be a good boy... I stand by my previous comment although I didnt call you an asshole! no I called you an a**hole :)
I wholeheartedly agree with 12:49
'what kind of loser candidate has to nail campaign signs to telephone poles? The kind of candidate who can't find anybody to put a lawn sign in front of their house'
This is in fact a popularity contest and drawing ire about placing signs on property you don't own without the owner's permission is a flagrant violation of ethics, not to mention *tacky*
Just sign me Anon#3
Your fake moral outrage is what is the true disgrace. Do you even know a pole worker? I'm sure you know pole dancers, but do you know any actual PG&E workers? They're bigger men and women than you - None of them complain about tacks in a goddamn pole I can tell you that. These men and women know the real dangers out their, and it's fascist assholes like you trying to say what can and cannot be posted on a public pole. So again, Nazi, why don't you go out and berate and attack a little girl just looking for her lost pet? Or perhaps you're not even allowed within 20 yards of any children. That wouldn't surprise me with your fascist antics.
I will be posting signs and there is NOTHING you can do about it.
God bless the USA!!!
Anon, you didnt pay therefore own the utility companies pole any more than paid for therefore own Safeway or Winco when you shop there. I have friends who climb poles and have been seriously injured because of numbnuts who leave in their staples and nails. One I know will never be able to be a father and have to take replacement injections the rest of his life because of a couple bent over nails in a pole.
I won't put any signs on telephone poles. But I have seen it done.
"Thank you 8:56 are you also 12:49 so I can keep us all straight?"
Yes, Anonymous #3, I am the same person as 8:56 and 12:49. I am also 1:58 and 4:34 and 8:56. And 9:48. And 12:41.
Thank you for your comments!
Do you suppose our angry little friend will call us Nazis again today?
Richard, Thanks for your pledge not to post campaign signs on utility poles. I was already pretty certain you wouldn't do such a thing.
Like me, you've probably talked with representatives of union workers who make their living climbing those poles. And like me, you've probably heard them say they wish people wouldn't put their members' safety at risk by nailing and stapling signs there. The signs come down but the nails and staples usually stay on the poles.
Thanks for doing the right thing with those signs of yours. And thanks for providing this forum where a safety-conscious former safety committee chair can share his concerns.
11:18 Being called a Nazi by this guy is a Compliment and bring it... its good to know we nazis have a little club now :)
Richard is too classy to have this kind of idiot working on his campaign I was not worried.
Richard, what are your campaign signs going to say?
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