This is how other countries’ media are covering our situation
Our own media is becoming even more passive, allowing their AP colleagues
to be banned because they insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico by its
name (...
1 hour ago
Rob Arkley's doing the right thing, that's why
Arkley is avoiding a massive laysuit by Humboldt Baykeeper, no doubt. Makes much more sense to spend the money to clean up the site.
Which makes it more suitable for housing, instead of a Home Depot.
exactly 2:16.
Did anyone hear of the pending closure of Fairhaven power? I heard that Veolia is coming next week to give them a bid for plant remediation and closure. Funny how this type of news is easier to come by at the Creamery than for the people that work at the power plant. This is one reason that a Union is so valuable. At least the workers have someone to tell them the truth about their livelihoods.
Yes, yes, let's build housing in a tsunami zone. That makes complete sense.
Great 2:16, why don't YOU purchase the property and put housing on it?
There IS housing that will go in there, 2:16, it's a mixed use project.
You're wrong, 6:03. The small amount of housing in the plan as currently proposed is slated for land adjacent to the Balloon Track property. Do yourself a favor and research before you post.
Why don't you check out what the city of Truckee is doing with their Balloon Track, which is a very similar situation to Eureka's. More than 400 units of housing and no big box stores. Rob Arkley preaches affordable housing to the county with his lawsuits. He talks the talk but can't walk the walk.
Yeah, 3:56. Let's not build any new housing anywhere in Eureka and evacuate half the city because it's in a tsunami zone. Let's all move to Bridgeville.
Rob will stop at nothing to build that Home Depot.
Thanks for cleaning up the property Rob, but lets get a better project on the waterfront.
Well, gee, it IS his property. He's cleaning it up, pretty much eliminating your main (legitimate) beef.
Keep in mind the proposed Home Depot sits further from the bay than Costco,
"FULL CLEANUP!!!", was the mantra heard for the past two years, and now Arkley has agreed, cutting the legs out from the biggest argument the anti-marina center crowd has.
You've been played. BTW, this is only the beginning, especially when the outcome of a community poll comes out showing that Eureka is FOUR to ONE in favor of the Marina Center if there is a full clean up of the site.
Larry Evans, good job! You have helped our community get what was needed, a full cleanup of the site!
Uhh, 618, the housing is part of the Marina Center project. Do a bit of reading yourself.
It's the most financially sound decision to make at this point as Home Depot is out,and were the prime reason for the perceived need to cap it.
Anonymous said...
Yes, yes, let's build housing in a tsunami zone. That makes complete sense.
3:56 PM
Wouldn't that describe just about any small coastal town in Ca, OR, or Wa.? Seaside, OR is a great example. New condos going in and its a tsunami zone. Course people there are smart enough to know it and don't bitch about it
Cleaned up, sure, but to what standards? Not background standards, I'll bet. Ignoring the ultimate certainty of a tsunami, the biggest challenge is now traffic. Residents of Eureka beware: the Arkley development will increase traffic, pollution, and noise all over town as more and more drivers avoid 101 with short-cuts.
marketing, it's all about marketing, let's see the plan. I'll believe it when Baykeeper signs off on it.
Let Rob pay to do a full clean up. In a year and a half if he's still trying to push a Home Depot for the Balloon Track, the new Eureka City Council with four progressives in control can eminent domain the property away from Rob in the best interests of the community. Then we can move ahead with a forward-thinking plan to transform the property into a development that will be a source of pride for Humboldt County for many generations.
Taking it by eminent domain after Arkley pays for a full cleanup sounds like a huge lawsuit to me.
Anyway, Eureka cant even balance their budget, yet alone pay for a parcel which will increase in value exponentially after a full cleanup is completed.
How dare the f@^*^#g scumbag Arkley get away with this bull. Baykeeper was going to tie this up in court and force a clean up, there by costing the creep Arkley lots of time and money. As it is now, good environmental groups will be cheated out of many dollars they need to spend on staff and other important support services while Arkley gets his way again. This will make it very hard for Nichols,Evans,etc to pay for their store front office,electric bill,print fliers,have parties with R&R bands,buy that micro-beer,smoke the best buds and take all the vacations in Mexico and the east coast. Arkley is such a f#^*%#g PIG!
IF it is true and not subverted by the details (like it isn't really a complete cleanup), I think a lot of concerns of "environmentalists" will go away.
But previously SN said the project wouldn't "pencil out", meaning they couldn't make a lot of money, if they did a full environmental cleanup.
So unless something else has changed, look carefully at the new plan, whenever is is actually presented.
Of course the whole thing might well just be a wild and unfounded rumor that wasn't intelligently screened by this blog.
MarkyEsquan said:
"as Home Depot is out,and were the prime reason for the perceived need to cap"
Dude, just because you havent heard anything about HD vis a vis the Marina Center lately doesnt mean they are not still coming in.
The last I heard was that despite the economic downturn and resultant downscaling of adding home depots, they were still planning on coming into the marina center.
(This, despite George Clark's and your statements to the contrary)
Why the *&^% are we only reading this on a blog ? (Thanks Richard!). We no longer have a local news media ?
This project will be good for all of Eureka. The lefties, who suggest the "Progressives" on the City Council use eminent domain to take the property away from Arkley after the cleanup, are no better than common thieves.
Oh, so Baykeeper is in charge of this project. It is amazing how people that cannot get their way based upon the merits of a project instead will resort to frivolous lawsuits and eminent domain to get their way. The reason we have no jobs here is because of people like this. Just say doesn't matter how many people may get a job we must protect the local business. If they can't compete they should go. It is that way everywhere else. Those of you that use this logic probably shop at Safeway, Winco, etc. They put the local grocer out of business many years ago because they couldn't compete price wise. Those of you that are in the say no crowd obviously have jobs and can afford to pay more than necessary for things.
More proof that the purchase of the pulpmill was and is a scam.Those guys planed this all along
"The lefties, who suggest the "Progressives" on the City Council use eminent domain to take the property away from Arkley after the cleanup, are no better than common thieves"
Outright lie.
No, it is 100% accurate. You are advocating letting someone spend their money under false pretenses in order to further your own agenda. That is no different than taking money from someone for an investment and keeping the money for yourself. It is sad state of affairs when people think because someone has money it is ok to steal from them. It is not, no matter how justified one may feel doing it.
Looks like they are still opening stores, although all of these openings obviously were conceived before the recessijavascript:void(0)on.
Butt and his crowd are worse than thieves. They are true communists. Not that there's anything wrong with that,if you don't want to live in a free country.
Really, an trustworthy communist is worse than a capitalist thief? You must have great taste in friends.
So, who exactly is the "capitalist thief" 6:16?
Wahhhhh I dont like Rob, NO ARKELYVILLE now magically translates into "capitalist thief"?
You've been played. Brilliantly.
BTW, Flemming's out in Rio Dell.
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