The International Association of Chiefs of Police and Fraternal Order of
Police issued a joint statement an hour ago on the recent presidential
The International Association of Chiefs of Police and Fraternal Order of
Police issued a joint statement an hour ago on the recent presidential
7 hours ago
Yeah, it's understandable. Republicans don't have much upward mobility here anymore, and the GOP isn't really providing many incentives to keep moderates in their party. I bet this is happening all over the country right now.
These days you're better off wearing a T-shirt with 666 on the front than one advertising yourself as a republican. Especially in Humboldt County!
matt told you about his neighbor moving but not about his wifes party richard are you on a need to know basis
The office is non-partisan so is this really all about a local party endorsement? I'm not in the 4th but is a party endorsement a significant electoral factor there? It doesn't seem to be that way in the other districts.
Only in the minds of the obamatons at HCDCC.
Stupid move.
Sorry Richard. You, Jeff, and Virginia are all nice people who would probably do a good job as Supervisor if you were elected. But only Virginia has the chance to beat our twenty four year, do nothing incumbant who incedentally is paid more per capita at her current $85,000/year then any other Supervisor in the entire United States. This not including all the "reimbursements" she can steal and over charge for.
You and Jeff are great guys who would lose to Bonnie and dilute support for the only candidate who can clearly defeat her highness. Please do not give us with another four years of corruption and mismanagement just to stroke your ego. Be realistic and a team player for the greater good.
Yet again your blind conservatism overrides ANY political sense. Supervisors are elected because of their positions on issues, personality, fund raising ability, liberal/conservative stance of their electors, and THEN finally their political party.
Viriginia won as Mayor because she was a moderate versis the liberal Peter in a community fairly well split between left and right. Demo or Repub had NOTHING to do with it.
I wager her fund raising ability will not be impared in the least. The race will be between her and Bonnie, period. People want Bonnie out, so they would not donate to Virginia just because they switched parties? Get real.
The Democratic Party endorsement matters a lot in Humboldt County. Richard, you were keeping track at one point. Dem-endorsed candidates have done well the last few years. It matters, and that's why Bonnie and Virginia switched.
Eureka's Democrats have been electing Republicans for years. It has been common knowledge among the Republicans that they need to attract Democrats to win. I wonder who's next?
Virginia Bass has exposed herself to be as big an opportunist as Bonnie Neeley.
So how can she say "vote for change"? All I see is more of the same. And BTW, just try getting Virginia to tell you her stand on anything. You can't. She has no core principles, she just wants a job.
I will vote for Marks. 34 year Democrat. I think Robin will too. For the primary I will just need 2,000 more to make it to the General. Lot's of time to knock on doors! (I am a Humboldt County economic casualty you know)
If I have to move for employment, this is a mute point. Or I might just take my early Retirement and work more with my small business.
Thanks for setting up this blog.
I voted for you and donated to your campaign in the last election and think you would be a tireless and effective advocate for the City of Eureka and Humboldt County.
I feel the same way about Jeff Leonard for the fourth district this time around.
What I hope to see is a change. And a civil discourse. I find it hard to heed the advice of anonymous bloggers.
If you decide to run, I wish you the best of luck.
Ken Bareilles, Jr.
I think that we should have a complete change- We should all adopt the idea of getting rid of every incumbent in the government, from the bottom to the top. We have not been represented as voters; we have all lost our say at the ballet box to special interest groups.
Get rid of anyone how supports status quoi.
Richard, who changed first,
Bonnie or Virginia?
Based on the reporting it looks like Virginia changed long before Bonnie but who cares who changed first? The whole idea of one-upping based on who did what first is stupid and frankly one of the reasons for infighting and losing elections. The real point is that the local Dem party wins a little bit every time anyone joins. Lets take both of them and any more who care to join.
Ken: Thank you very much. Anonymous whinners are wieners.
Well said Rich, I have had those sentiments for a long time. BTW if you decide to run, is there any issues with a out of stater donating to your funds?
11:39am- Rambo, it is completely legal to recieve donations from out of state. But hold on, there is still many months to go before this thing settles down.
Guys, I'm sure none of you know this. City and county government seats are non partisan
It's moot.
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