This is how other countries’ media are covering our situation
Our own media is becoming even more passive, allowing their AP colleagues
to be banned because they insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico by its
name (...
1 hour ago
Vote Bonnie out of office to start
What does the jobless rate have to do with Bonnie Neely?
Rich, you do know that it is not really 11.5%. You have to also consider those who do not care to find a job, those who have used up there unemployment and are no longer on the rolls and those who have not applied because they can not get it. I really believe if you factor in everything, I.E. homeless persons that are ineligable, things I mentioned above and other factors that would keep persons from being counted that Humboldts rate is closer to 16%-20%.
And that doesn't count small business owners that had to close their doors but are not eligible for unemployment.
Bonnie is a Democrat...nuf said..
Now Richard, just keep adding
bennies to your unions, increasing
taxes on business, like Calif has
been doing and the numbers will
keep going up..
You got what you wanted now deal
with it..or just blame everyone the former pulp mill
Rambo-Good point and I wish that was measurable.
8:14am-There has been alot of small businesses going down the tubes. Not good.
8:28am-I do not think asking for a living wage with benefits is a bad thing. Our parent company, Lee and Man, is thriving in this economy.
By them creating shell subsidiary companies (Evergreen, Worthy Pick, Lee Kwok and others.) they were allowed a loop hole to take financial assets back to China. Foreign companies should be bonded so they are not able to directly disregard federal law for wages and binding labor agreements.
Why do you have so much hate in your heart? Turn to God before you shrivel up in your anger.
Tell the people the truth Big Rich. You had wrist surgery because of repetitive scooping at the buffet trough.
Always remember to be union strong.
United we stand, divided we beg
Man, it is amazing how the discourse can deteriorate when functional illiterates join the discussion. If you can't muster the ability to form a coherent argument for your position, just start calling people names e.g., fat, stupid, lazy, socialist, nazi. I am not in any way liberal, progressive or a Democrat but I do listen to and respect other peoples positions even if they are different than mine.
To me, the issue of unions and their income/benefits is not as simple as these poor victims wanting a living wage, a retirement and benefits, or as bad as them causing all the problems we have today. The fact is that unions, in some instances, have caused companies to fail due to intransigence and dirty tactics. However, this has nothing to do with people making a good wage nor does it make union people in general bad or greedy. I think it is sad when a person making 50k a year is derided as greedy and overpaid.
6:01pm-Well said.
It's not that bad Richard, just ask Jacqueline Debets.
I have always thought a better indicator would be the employment rate, or simply put the percentage of people who are paying into Social Security. It would also help to know the percentage of population who are drawing SSI.
Still not a great indicator, you have to add in welfare rolls, under the table payee's food stamp persons ands those that get non of the above. I really believe the rate is near or over 20%. Every 10 people you met 2 of the is out of work and if they are not they sure dont make enough to live on.
Well, if you are going to include these people that are unverified as unemployed on the list you must also subtract all of those that don't want to work whether the reason is drugs, mental illness or just plan laziness. I think that this group more than covers the people that have run out of unemployment or are not on any other public assistance and therefore uncountable. That is why the number is probably right, if you are to include only those that actually want to work. Any other viewing of the unemployment is nothing more than spin.
Bend Oregon is at 16.5% unemployment.
Invest in Richards waist line. There is guaranteed growth potential. Richard himself is heavily invested.
only issue with that is once his wrist heals it will be like the stock market, on a downward trend
I think Hank Sims is a safer investment.
M. Buettner, crawl back in your
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