Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I've been Tagged!

By Carol Conners about 7 things you may not know about me. Here goes:

1. I am an ex-smoker.

2. Many of my inner circle of close friends are Republicans.

3. I have 4 brothers and 5 sisters and yet my mother had 7 children and my dad 8. How can that be? This ask Marilyn type question has answer below.

4. When Robin and I married I was a loan officer working for Transamerica Finances. Robin was a hair dresser.

5. I love oppressively hot weather. 110 and above!

6. I played drums and jammed with local musicians in the mid 70's.

7. I started working at a small farm with no adult supervision at 7 years of age. I had no babysitter and my mom worked swing shift. God watched out for me.

Answer: My mom and dad had 5 kids together. And 5 with others.

I tag:

Greg Connors






Ted Sillanpaa


Anonymous said...

Richard, that was a really funny sibling quiz.

Nice set of sevens.

Anonymous said...

Geez Rich, your family is almost as large as mine. I could field a slow pitch team and stock half the other team.

Kym said...

If you get Heraldo to answer this, you'll have all the blog world picking apart the answers for clues as to his/her identify.

Carol said...

You are a former drummer?

Hey, we all ought to jam at the next Blogger's Picnic!

Ted Sillanpaa said...

Richard...I guess I've been 'tagged' but...I'm a pretty low-level blogger and I don't know what I've been 'tagged' to do...tell 5, 6 things about myself? You wrote some interesting 'tagged' people then do the same on their blogs? This is the first time I've read through your blog. It's interesting stuff. Ted Sillanpa

Ted Sillanpaa said...

So, really...what to do once 'tagged,' huh?