Sunday, November 23, 2008

Gas $1.85 at Costco. Over $.40 more everywhere else in Eureka!

What other town can you find a gas price discrepancy of nearly a half dollar. There was a time not many years ago that gas prices in Eureka were no more than a few cents difference. And wasn't gas over $4.00 a gallon just a few months ago? Did more oil spring up? Weren't we going to tap into our national oil reserves? Everyone is quietly forgetting the big picture. We need to stop oil dependence.


Joel Mielke said...

Quick, get in line now!

Anonymous said...

I tis under 1.75 here in Portland. Rich, do what we do, dont bitch and pay the lower prices :)

Anonymous said...

CPR-I went around 9am this morning. I was the onlyone there!

Anonymous said...

Yep...screw those big box a'holes.

Vote local control!

Anonymous said...

Costco has a fundamentally different business model than wal-mart and many other big box stores. For those of us who are on the moderate left (meaning we're not necessarily anti-corporate, we just want more corporate responsibility) it's not hypocritical to shop there. Great deals for consumers, great wages and benefits for employees, and most of their political contributions go to Democrats. If we're going to have big box stores, this is a much better model than the others.

Fred Mangels said...

"...and most of their political contributions go to Democrats.".

That's the most important for you, of course?

Fred Mangels said...

Back to the subject at hand, it is interesting all these topsy turvy gas prices. I noticed a few months ago that gas in Hopland was considerably cheaper than gas at the Willits Safeway, which I found nearly always beat the competition in the area.

I noticed that Renner Petroleum seems to be selling more expensive gas than some of the other local stations lately. Seems to me Renner used to be about ten cents a gallon cheaper than the other stations, Costco being the exception.

I wonder what's causing the change?

Anonymous said...

In Portland today at Castco $1.61 and it aint self serve :P