Tuesday, November 04, 2008

AWPPW Local 49 Election and Meeting tomorrow. Insurance Information will be available.

Tomorrow I will open our regularly scheduled meeting at 4:00pm off agenda to allow Insurance agent Jeff Pauli to answer questions about health insurance. I invite all workers to attend. (That includes salaried workers who are displaced.) Please pass the word on. I will call as many as I can. Be sure to vote for your new local officers for 2009!


Anonymous said...

For us salaried that don't normally attend union meetings...Where is the meeting?

samoasoftball said...

1720 Victor Blvd. in Manila. From Eureka, take the first right in Manila and follow the road. Can't miss. From Arcata turn left at the park and follow the road.

Anonymous said...

I would like you displaced salaried people, to know that you are welcome. Unlike other Union that you may have had exposure to we are able to invite you to our meetings.