This is how other countries’ media are covering our situation
Our own media is becoming even more passive, allowing their AP colleagues
to be banned because they insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico by its
name (...
41 minutes ago
Goodness. Tongues will wag.
Betrayed by your 18 year old communist assistant, betrayed by your own political party, betrayed by the public at large, betrayed by your sand dwelling bretheren and now betrayed by your wife.
I always knew Chesbro was slick.
well the other Richard, I se you are stirring it up...
So, didn't I hear that you may be decideing to move to a different level--- so to speak.
Nice that Robin had a fun time with Chesbro---you go girl....
now, what is next Richard......
Shane is older, wiser...and a Democrat.
*:53-I wonder if you've ever done anything- had any thoughts- you know the kinds of things you might be embarrased about if EVERYBODY knew your real name? You know-like if somebody just happened to blast it all over the place who you are and what they think of you, personally...
yeah Shane must be 20 by now and for sure he's a Democrat.
Hey 8:53/Rip Van Winkle, it's 2007, not 1968. Spiro Agnew is gone. "Terrorists" cause Americans to live in fear now. Communists have been rendered "quaint."
Ain't progress great?
Address your angst against me to me. Leave the potty humor out about Wes and Robin.
I will admit that Robin has a bad taste in men when it comes to her husband though.
CHEESE-BRO! clogging the public arteries. I hope Robin told him about "WORK".
That was'nt Wes, that was a hood ornament. So often confused with Wes!
Rodoni wanted to be there but he was too busy grooming the hamburgler for his supe seat.
Work,Ha, Wes thinks work is trying to keep his lies straight. Come to think of it,in his case, that just might be work. What's Robin doing hanging out with a slacker/bum like him anyway?
Charles Douglas told me the other day that he was going to try and get Bravo to run for state assembly but Bravo backstabbed him so Charles shrugged him off like the cheap suit he is.
If there were any truth to Karma, Cheese-bro would be in a cell with Bravo as his butt-buddie. No justice,Karma is only a hope.
Just for the record, I have had people who have encouraged me to take a run against Wes for the 1st District Assembly seat. Some have offered to help committee wise.
Huge uphill battle. But I have fought against multi million dollar corporations for workers rights and have came out on top.
I also have had many who have discouraged me to run, and have been vocal about it.
I just don't like this political chair switching situation. There seems to be a click of people who feel entitled to seats without showing performance in past postitions.
I feel we need new ideas in Northern California.
"You always get what you always got, when you keep on votin in the same ol' lot!"
Haven't seen Patty Berg do much of anything on behalf of labor locally. (Her thoughts on the Headwaters funds, Eel River Sawmill worker displacement, Palco workers fiasco, Humboldt Creamery, Mendicino Forest Products, Humboldt Particleboard, Stockton Pacific issues......some of the largest private sector employees in her district.)
Past Assemblyperson Virginia Strom Martin seemed to have her pulse on issues concerning the 1st District and the above workers.
Is Wes a potential Patty or Virginia? I think he is leaning toward Patty and entitlement.
One thing Wes and I have in common. We both work with waste product. I shovel and he......what exactly does he do on the Waste Management Board for $110,000 a year? I'll gladly trade him duties. My back is getting sore.
Richard,to trade places with Wes you'll have to learn how to lie with a smile on your face,kiss the bung hole and say it smells like a rose,and be able to piss on your grandfathers grave with no remorse. A real man can't do that. Beat the bastard in a head up race.
I think calling Wes a bastard is a bit much. A carpet bagger is more accurate.
There are simply not enough cuss words in the world to cover Cheese-Bro.
Richard. I hope you are thick skinned enough to have people talk about you the way the low-lifes posting here talk about Wes and Bonnie.
Richard as long as you are honest people will treat you right. Wes and Bonnie have made there own realities and us High Brows call'em like we see'em.
Richard beware the counsel of fools. 11:02 sounds like one of your good dEMORCAT party folks who told the press you just weren't as democratic as Neely in the last election.
Saw Cheese-Bro putting gas in his aotumobile. He was using a credit card with his usual shit eating grin on his face. The price of fuel or the fact that you and I are paying to fuel his lifestyle as well as his tank doesn't bother him one bit. Like all the Yankee lawyers swooping into Reconstruction Georgia with their carpet bads in hand,he's a whistel'n all the way to the bank.
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