That Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee endorsement just became that much more important. After stirring speeches by Josh Drayton and Heidi Benzonelli about the need of democrats supporting democrats and counter arguments of past hypocrisy of the HCDCC leaders endorsing other party candidates in other campaigns, the HCDCC overwhelmingly passed a resolution requiring members to sign a statement to not advocate that voters should vote for someone other than the HCDCC endorsed candidate.
What does this mean? If you are non Democrat running for office and want an endorsement of a HCDCC member, probably ain't going to happen.
This is how other countries’ media are covering our situation
Our own media is becoming even more passive, allowing their AP colleagues
to be banned because they insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico by its
name (...
1 hour ago
Gee, I wonder if Virginia Bass and Marion Brady will now revolt against this and step down as members. Do the right thing ladies, leave the're not welcome!
IWV: Is this part of the "Big Tent" lovin?
Who's calling for a "big tent party"?....not me!
I want liberals and only liberals in the party, all moderates at some point will compromise and sell out their constituents. Just wait, watch Jared Huffman (if elected).
"...probably ain't going to happen"
...unless they are willing to stand up for their constitutional right to endorse anyone they please, guaranteed that freedom by the war dead of generations past regardless of anyone's bylaws or petulant whining.
Where in the constitution does it say that?
Seems to me - individual members have every right to endorse whomever they please, but the Central Committee's sole purpose is to support and nurture democrats who are running for office, "without fear or favor."
While that may be difficult when there is more than one (Democrat) running, it should still be the rule, you support them. Which one wins is up to the voters, not the committee.
Maybe the HCDCC should learn from its past endorsement misktakes. they haven't had a very good track record lately. The committee should be recruiting new young excited members and grooming them to take leadership roles in public office. Currenlty they do not, they just like to sit around and bitch and moan about those who do take the time to run for office. They sit and wait for someone to come to then instead of actively looking over voters roles and see who might make a good candidate. If HCDCC wants winning candadites they need to put in the time and effort.
HCDCC was on a roll, racking up win after win. Then Richard showed up with plans of disruption. Six years ago HCDCC, with a boost from Congressman Mike Thompson, did not endorse anyone in the Eureka supervisor's race. Many of the members followed Mike by endorsing long-time progressive supervisor Bonnie Neely instead. Bonnie won. Richard lost, and has been throwing a destructive, juvenile tantrum ever since. No wonder people stay away from politics.
11:47-One person caused the downfall of endorsed Democrats? I had no plans of disruption. I was upset that the HCDCC and Mike Thompson endored a REPUBLICAN who was supporter of George Bush and went as far as writing a glowing guest piece about Arnold during that race. That was progressive? Those are facts.
I joined the HCDCC and publically let people on the HCDCC know I was going to fill any vancancies with like minded Democrats. And the ones I brought on were villified by paranoid HCDCC members. (And the ones I brought on voted against my wishes more than once.)
From my seat on the HCDCC I endorsed multiple Green Party candidates and never heard a peep. But when I endorsed Non Party Mike Newman (A good friend who I played ball with, went to church with, who was a scout leader to my kids) the HCDCC asked for my resignation. I resigned to Associate status.
By the way, I voted yes this last week for Linda Atkins resolution.
Destructive juvenile tantrum? Political backlash more like it. Politics suck. On with softball!
Anonymous@11:47a.m. You have NO idea what you're talking about. "long-time progressive supervisor Bonnie Neely" That sir is a lie!
Hey Rose,Did the Republican Central Committee endorse Carlos Quilez?
Hey mresquan, why are you on Richards blog asking Rose a question? And why don't you use your real name?
Actually, that wasn't quite what was passed Richard. It was a resolution to acknowledge what was in the by-laws. Somebody pointed out that if you don't like what's in the by-laws then move to amend them, but that all of the members should be aware of what is in the by-laws.
Eric: Yes. You are correct.
But when I endorsed Non Party Mike Newman (A good friend who I played ball with, went to church with, who was a scout leader to my kids) the HCDCC asked for my resignation.
I so wish I could figure out how to move a recorded video on my Suddenlink DVR cable box to my computer. I have Channel 3's election night coverage from 2010 where Mike Newman makes an ass of himself with his daughter while talking to Channel 3's reporter at the Pearl before the final votes are counted. He was totally drunk and could only say the word "Business" after every question from the reporter. His daughter looked extremely embarrassed.......and so should the voters of Eureka's 3rd Ward.
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