Obviously something is wrong with Patricia. She has been fortunate to surround herself with great staff that have been trying to fend off problematic situations. I hope for the best for Patricia's health and well being. The stress of her position could not be helping the matter at all.
But the big question is........who will be taking her place? I would think that Patty Berg would be the likely front runner. Or her friend Bonnie Neely? This really opens the door to some madness for the 2nd District Senate race in 2010. Any predictions?
Bernie’s Groundswell
The centrists in the party really need to take a back seat for awhile. I
mean, I don’t agree with what Al Green did at the speech to Congress, but
at least...
2 hours ago
The P-D article says Noreen Evans is going to run. If she does, she will win.
Why is that good?
Don't worry, Rose will hate her soon enough
Evans has a good rep in her hometown, which is more than can be said for Neely or Berg. The better you know them, the less likely you are to vote for them.
Bonnie is a flat out bully and evil. Patty is just a handle in a sack of hammers.
You seem to be missing the up side to a Berg/Neeley senatorship. Connie could get her job back. She really hates the current one that requires some performance.
Who is Connie? Who is Noreen Evans?
Who are you?
I am me. Who is Connie? Who is Evans? Richard ...
If you don't know who Connie and Evans are, either you're nobody or too lazy to search the web. Or both.
anon 3:24 Well said :-)
Connie Selica & Linda Evans?
Why do Humboldt County politicians think anyone cares who they are?
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