Here is my Press release unedited:
Retired Pulp Mill worker Richard Marks has announced his candidacy for 4th District Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District Commissioner. “First of all, I would like to thank Dennis Hunter for his 20 years of service with the district and wish him continued success on his many community volunteer efforts,” Marks stated.
Richard and his wife Robin are lifelong residents of Northern California and lived, worked, and raised two sons within eye sight of the Humboldt Bay.
“I’m running for Commissioner to bring proactive, forward-thinking leadership to the district. We can create and retain good jobs that pay decent wages by supporting our aquaculture and fishing industries, encouraging light industrial growth, and investing in the infrastructure needed to support short sea shipping. We can increase recreational opportunities and transportation options around our bay by creating bicycle and pedestrian trails to connect our communities, while protecting the publicly owned railroad right-of-way for future possibilities. Finally, we can spearhead environmental restoration projects to preserve the fragile ecosystem that supports so many of our waterfront-dependent businesses and activities.”
Mr. Marks is the past President of Association of Western Pulp and Paper Workers local 49 and former union organizer. He has also organized youth and adult sports in many north coast municipalities and is currently holding two elected positions; Director on the Samoa Peninsula Fire District and Member of the Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee Executive Board. Richard is also currently on the Board of Directors for Humboldt Domestic Violence Services, as well as the President of Mad River Softball Association.
Feel free to e-mail Richard at
Let the insanity start.
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2 hours ago
Hello Richard,
Good luck and thank you for your personal support for raising the minimum wage in Eureka last summer.
What is your position on the million and a half dollars owed to the City of Eureka by the Harbor District and when will we be repaid? The city needs the money to build some affordable housing.
have a peaceful day,
Nice write up Rich. If I lived there I would vote Marks. So, is Dennis giving his endorsement to you? Not sure if you knew but Dennis is Chris's Father In Law. Anyway, good luck bro and I do hope you win.
Will you now force the Harbor
Comm to go union and then
strike for higher wages??
You are running because you think you have a chance to get elected finally to something. Sad that your HCDCC buds will not back you as Mr Ash is running. He's to cool for school and you are just an out of work mill rat.
Aquaculture, decent paying jobs and trails. Sounds good.
Bill, Richard is running for harbor commissioner not the city council.
Tom doesn't let reality into his equations.
Wasn't the money to dredge the harbor in the late 90's (at least a million and a half) loaned to the Harbor District by Eureka Redevelopmen? That's the million and a half I am talking about.
Please if it wasn't loaned to the Harbor District who was it loaned to?
have a peaceful day,
Bill- Where in the budget do you see a payment schedule?
Hello Richard
I see a category for non operating expenses like debt repayment and capital expenses that goes from 400 thousand this year to several million next year.
Is the loan from Eureka Redevelopment for a million and a half being repaid or not? If it is being repaid how much has been repaid and when will it be completely repaid?
This is a simple question Richard, and it is not a hostile one.
I am a libertarian socialist who believes in balanced budgets for government entities.
have a peaceful day,
Bill: I do not have enough information on the subject matter to make an informed stance is all. Sorry.
It wasn't a loan, Bill. When you tried to raise this on the flying Heraldos' blog, I showed you there were no monies owed to the district by either the city or the redevelpment agency, Bill.
I showed this by posting the links to the actual audited financial statements, Bill, which proved that there is no such debt.
Why do you continue to make shit up, Bill?
Have a less ignorant day,
Also, my ignorant friend,
The Harbor District does not owe the city or the redevelopment agency anything.
The money from the Redevelopment Agency was contributed, not loaned to help with the continued economic developement of the area, one of the RDA's core missions.
READ the flipping financial statements, Bill, its all there in the notes.
Have a much less ignorant day,
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