I am not happy with Barack's campaign right now. How can you ignore someone who garners nearly 50% of the popular vote like Hillary did and take a cranky Joe Biden? Biden had 1% support in Iowa for his bid for the Democratic Presidential nomination. I don't care how the Obama camp paints this. They were wrong.
Now McCain campaign is looking like the "progressive" forward thinking group. They will have the fringe uninformed voters who do not know of Sarah's environmental stands or her anti-wildlife positions. Oh, she is a "hotty" though, so they will get the shallow vote. This was a brilliant move for the "Rights" or conservatives. And have you noticed how far the "moderate" McCain is falling off the right wing cliff?
This race is going to be so frustrating if McCain hangs close. Please, someone tell me this is a nightmare and I will wake up soon!
This is how other countries’ media are covering our situation
Our own media is becoming even more passive, allowing their AP colleagues
to be banned because they insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico by its
name (...
1 hour ago
C'mon, Richard! You pick Hillary, you get Bill lurking about the place, probably in his underpants.
Have some compassion!
In my humble opinion this could have won it for McCain. Had Obama picked Hillary it would have been no contest. Hey Richard, I am going to be in town from Sept 3rd to the 13th. Where can I go to see some GOOD softball. email me please
Richard: any one who would say the following is shallow and snotty:
"Oh, she is a "hotty" though, so they will get the shallow vote."
Get my point dude?
Hank: Rather have Bill wandering around in his underwear than Biden. That doesn't sound right does it.
Rambo-Wish I could say you could come out and watch Tomaso's make it to another Arcata City Championship game, but we "out n 2 & BBQed" this year. Next week the tourney continues in Arcata sans us.
2:24pm-Good point. Oh, that hypocrite in me. Now all you without sins go look for some good throwing rocks!
Could it be that Hillary might try to preserve her chances for a nomination bid in 2012?
If she is tied to an Obama administration that flounders, then she may never be able to get the Democratic Nomination.
Be grateful she released her delegates
Richard is the same guy who took up two seats front row at the Clinton event, even though he had no intention of voting for Hillary at all! Now he complains that Obama didn't pick her?? Maybe she would have won if Richard hadn't been so selfish, when he should have given up his seat for someone sitting on the fence.
Either way, the winner in November stands an excellent chance of being a one termer...
Richard, you're overreacting. Sarah Palin is an anti-choice, right-wing Christian who advocates teaching creationism in public schools. You think Hilary supporters are going defect to McCain because of Sarah Palin?
McCain effectively gave away the one advantage he had over Obama - experience. No longer can he bash Obama on this issue. This choice makes Obama-Biden look like the safe ticket now.
Reaction from Republicans I know range from uncertainty to fuming at McCain.
If McCain was determined to have a woman on his ticket, he would have done better choosing Virginia Bass. Virginia is about as well-known as Palin and she has more experience in politics.
It's going to be an interesting campaign.
6:04pm-I made calls for Bill Clinton to become President! And I helped set up for the event. And then you slather on the guilt trip. Ouch.
Boy and Andrew-You both make good points. Maybe I am over-reacting
Richard ... this is a gutsy move by a maverick candidate. It substantially changes the dynamics of the race and improves McCain's chances of winning.
Regardless of where you stand, this is the most exciting presidential race we've seen in our lifetimes. For political junkies, it's gold.
I voted for Hillary, but would never vote for anti-choice, NRA gun-toting neocon like Palin. Who are they kidding when they think Hillary supporters would vote for a Republican ticket? They've got to be kidding! EEK!
Biden is an excellent choice for V.P. He is a humble public servant, commutes home by train, and has loads of experience. Barack Obama is awesome, his wife, Michelle is beautiful and fit - a basketball player, Richard.
TO quote Dennis Kucinich, "Wake-up, America! Wake-up, America! Wake-up, America!"
Course not, Carol. You'll vote for the plagarist.
Hill's kind of like you in that respect Rich. All you get is bubble gum in your hair,sore knees and that awful taste in your mouth. Softball says it all.
Carol,quite disappointed in your myopia. Biden is a very nice man and I don't see how even you can not not see what a quality person Palin is. I would certainly perfer one over the other but the country will not fall apart in either case. Carol ,get a grip the party line is not your friend.
Gee, Carol. "Biden is an excellent choice for V.P. He is a humble public servant.." What?
Joe Biden is the biggest blowhard in the U.S. Senate. Not one other Senator can sit and talk about himself longer or with deeper affection.
But give him a chance to berate a citizen who disagrees with his point of view, and he will treat that hapless devil to a tongue-lashing of Olympian proportions.
Biden humble? Bah! Humbug!
Biden was a very poor choice for Obama. I was hoping that McCain would pick Mitt Romney and even things out, but Palin may do the job.
CPR...I was puzzled and at first underwhelmed at Obama's choice of Biden. But with McCain's choice of Palin, Biden becomes an asset to Obama. As I noted above, McCain's experience "advantage" has been erased, IMO.
Carson Park Ranger .... Mitt Romney?????????? I was hoping on Fred Thompson. Yes I was a Fredhead. You think being a Fredhead is unpopular there, try being one here in trehugging Portland, Oregon. Now I will step back and wait for the flaming to commence on me :)
Biden was a horrid choice,really horrid.Thirty 35+ years of the same old same old,yet now he's on a ticket promoting "change"?Palin may be a social neocon,but doesn't hasn't served long enough to accumulate enough baggage for those less informed to jump all over.McCain certainly will gather more votes with his V.P. selection,but the race is going to Obama.At this point,Nader/Gonzales gets my vote.
You're supposed to be voting for Bob Barr, esquan.
Sorry Fred,can't the over the flag burning amendments.
Palin is the Poster Girl for Abstinence Only Education!
So, Carol, how long have you had this antipathy toward the right of American citizens to keep and bear arms?
Is this affliction widespread within the ranks of the Humboldt County Democratic Central Commitee?
Are you considering weakening any other Constitutional protections of the People's liberties?
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