This is how other countries’ media are covering our situation
Our own media is becoming even more passive, allowing their AP colleagues
to be banned because they insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico by its
name (...
1 hour ago
Thank you comrade Marks
Richard ... we're going to have to agree to disagree about party endorsements in non-partisan races.
Chris and Richard,
What is interesting is Winkler in 2006 asked the Humboldt Co. Republican Party for their endorsement and support. The Fire Dist. and yes for Fluoride got it but not him. I think before that race in 06 he ran as an eco greenie type.
All he wants to do is win one.
The three in this race I would probably support would be Susan, Michael, and Shane.
Regards, Mike Harvey
Orwell, I think you got it wrong. It's comrade Marx.
Chris, according to comrade Marx, there is no such thing as a "non-partisan" race in Humboldt County.
Republicans whining about party endorsements. I love it. The Republicans could endorse, but it would be the kiss of death for their candidates. The best bet around here is to register as a Democrat.
The American public as been screwed in every orifice by Mr. George W. Republican for the last eight years, cheered on by Crawford and his ilk. The best possible label these days is "Not a Republican". Good luck, Bub.
Cmon people. Keep the comments above board now!
Stop censoring, fatty.
Javohl, Herr Commandant.
Insanity on the left, weak do nothings on the right. So much for partisanship. The progressives will be the well earned bane of the democratic party. It's the same lame old product with new packaging. It'll fool a few consumers, but not many. Rack up those politcal party endorsements, it's just code for more of the same- more puppets and a more frustrated electorate.
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