Trump’s 25% tariffs on all steel and aluminum imports go into effect
While Trump's tariffs could help steel and aluminum plants in the U.S.,
they could raise prices for the manufacturers that use the metals as raw
8 hours ago
rich count us in a tomassos team
Rich you missed it! Home run derby was last night in Arcata during the metal bat playoffs. First game was pretty normal, Garbage beat Murphy's 20-14, I think Murphy's hit 3 home runs and Garbage hit 1.
BUT then came the next game. Sun Valley vs. Garbage for the championship, Garbage had to beat them twice for the championship.
Final score Garbage 51 Sun Valley 37. Rumor had it Garbage actually scored 55, I think Kosak got tired on the scoreboard. Wildest game I have ever seen in Arcata. Nine out of the ten batters on Garbage hit Home runs. Fusi was the only player without one and he probably went about 7-9 hitting. Thats right two of Garbages players got 9 at bats in one game. Matt Light and Kadle each it 4 I think. They had close to 25 Hr's as a team. For Sun Valley Buck hit two on the road, the second one might have cleared the street, it definetly hit at least in the middle. Oh by the way Jeremy hit 3 or 4 home runs also. It was so ridiculous he actually was not sure if he hit 3 or 4. Never seen anything like it in 22 years of playing and watching softball.
Man! I was going to go out there last night, but had a basketball meeting in Eureka. Wish I had stopped by. That is alot of HRs at Arcata. The wind just waifing out toward left center perhaps? Has anyone ever scored over 50 runs in Arcata? May have to check that out. 92 runs total has got to be a record there! That Miken Maniac is the bat to have! Overall it was a fun year in metal bat Arcata.
Just an update: 4 teams so far for Eureka Woodbat. Please get the word out!
Not very many people want to play softball on Eureka's horrible fields. I know I don't.
In woodbat it is not as pronounced. I will agree that the Eureka fields are not safe for metal bat. Most of the games will be on Hartman and it seemed to hold up pretty good last year for this tournament. I am going to try at least.
What do you mean when you say it's not as pronounced? The outfields and infields get just as many bad bounces with wood bat as with metal and the hard clay hurts to slide on just as much during wood bat as metal bat. Also, the outfields are so uneven and have so many holes that it makes chasing after balls difficult no matter what bat you use.
except for the fact the ball bounces off a metal bat 4 times faster than wood. the problem with using Arcata fields is the price, Richard you have always held great tournaments, with fair prices. can't wait for it.
p.s. it don't matter stu humboldts finest is going to win anyway!!LOLOLOL
I think Hartman is the fairest place to hold a wood bat. I know the brutal conditions, but I will do my best to fix the field as best as possible.
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