Please support Measure S. Samoasoftball putting money where his mouth is.
I am asking you all to support school bond Measure S. It is a benefit to the children currently in the Eureka City Schools system and will pave way to a better quality of education for the future. Yes, I realize there was a bond measure in 2002 that is not paid off, but don't punish the current children or staff for ills of the past administration. Yes, I went to school in Eureka. And I own property in Eureka so I will be helping foot the bill.
Richard, there are a lot of things about Measure S that you don't know, secrets from the Eureka Schools administration & school board that are being kept secret.
The “New Right”
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SHORT RIBS and Random Thoughts, Wed Nov 21, 2021
BE GLAD you’re not enrolled in Kaiser! My friend got into a billing dispute
with them and they actually hung up on him, then they transferred him to
Vote NO on S.
Richard, there are a lot of things about Measure S that you don't know, secrets from the Eureka Schools administration & school board that are being kept secret.
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