The International Association of Chiefs of Police and Fraternal Order of
Police issued a joint statement an hour ago on the recent presidential
The International Association of Chiefs of Police and Fraternal Order of
Police issued a joint statement an hour ago on the recent presidential
7 hours ago
It's the annal xxxx of death. Run Estelle run tell your DA that you are being buggered.
I take it there is no other Dem in the race....?
Rodoni will wipe the floor with your sorry asses. It's funny watching you people have hope though.
Estelle is not only the one Democrat in this race, she is an outstanding Democrat who already had the endorsement of the Southern Humboldt Fire Chiefs Association and a turnout of 150 people at her kick-off. Carol and I have been too many campaign kickoffs in recent years and I can't think of a better start. If there had been more than one Democrat asking for the endorsement, it might not have happened so early, but it would have happened.
Larry Glass made a special trip to the meeting to speak for Estelle. He pointed out in his many years doing interviews with her he has learned she is an active, effective listener who will follow your concerns with interest and understanding.
Rodoni, wipe the floor? Maybe with Clif, but IMO Estelle will be part of November's Democratic sweep.
We will hear a lot of whining now, about how this is a "non-partisan" office so it's wrong for a political party to endorse. Fact is, the term "partisan" refers to party primary politics and was never meant to keep citizens from voicing support for better government representatives. Richard is right on about HCDCC. The endorsement means a great deal to the candidates because it helps them win. People want Democrats (good ones, not Spitzer!) in office after the purgatory known as Bush II.
Rodoni will wipe the floor with your sorry asses.
Is Roger gonna tap into that "Silent Majority", is he? He best not get too comfy. Sometimes change sweeps the most grounded incumbent out to sea.
No boy, Roger won't tap dance. He will be clear,direct and painfully honest. It will pain you but win ,loose or draw Roger won't play games. He has great support in this county. The cheap shots from radicals and political opportunists only strengthens him in our eyes. Keep up the good PR on his behalf.
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