After much thought, my wife Robin has decided to make a run for the Northern Humboldt Union High School District Board. Times-Standard Online - Election hopefuls turn in papers She has been eyeing that position for years.
She served many years on the Board for the Peninsula School District and was elected by her peers as President of the board for 5 years. (She won her general election by a landslide. Door to door knocking.) Then she went to work for Peninsula School District and is currently the Business Manager there.
It looks like it will be a very competitive race. Stay tuned!
The International Association of Chiefs of Police and Fraternal Order of
Police issued a joint statement an hour ago on the recent presidential
The International Association of Chiefs of Police and Fraternal Order of
Police issued a joint statement an hour ago on the recent presidential
7 hours ago
You go Robin--you will win hands down--for you work in it, see it live it, and a part of it---No better person for the job. Look out school district for a bird is about to nest in thy woods...
Best to you, Robin!
Good for you Robin, you have our support, Steve and Diane.
At least somebody in your family can win an election!
I hope she has better sense than her hubby in who to hire for her campaign staff...hint: look for seasoned experience, not ideological exuberance. In other works, hire Monstranski, tell Brinton to stay the hell away.
Second that motion. Don't let Shane in the same room with Robin if you really want her to win.
Play nice or voluteer yourself to help, It is hard to find folks who will stay the course in any campaign!!!
So Richard.....are you running for the Assembly against Wes Chesbro?
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