Please explain this Arnold Schwarzenegger thing again?
Let’s just say hypothetically that I had no political experience whatsoever. Never had been in office or was involved in committees to help communities or election campaigns. And here are some of the hypothetical baggage I am carrying with me that will be exposed during and election campaign:
1. Womanizer/Sexist-Self admitted macho woman abuser with no remorse and to this day holds no respect for the opposite sex.
2. Homophobe-On record not liking “Girly” men.
3. Self admitted and well documented illegal drug user with a history of steroids, pot and who knows what else.
4. Anti-Union leanings. Does not like unions and is vocal about it.
5. Anti-Environment-Drive around in a Hummer and other gas guzzling vehicles unabashedly for years. No care for environmental legislation.
6. Lifelong Republican in a State registration leaning heavy to the left.
Oh, and I want to run for Governor of California. I would think that I would be laughed out of the state. But due to a cult of personality, Arnold wins overwhelmingly and currently serving a second term.
Only in America people.
This is how other countries’ media are covering our situation
Our own media is becoming even more passive, allowing their AP colleagues
to be banned because they insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico by its
name (...
1 hour ago
Hey the other Richard, only in American politics... Heck, soccer moms with mini vans have been winning elections for quite some time. So, it is safe to say--it dosn't matter who you are and what you are---it's all about getting that vote---plain and simple. Oh, that is right--a little money does help......
On your hypotheticals you left out "married to a Kennedy niece" and "action hero figure".
Don't you think candidacies do come down to popularity contests? A lot of it hasn't changed since Junior High School.
I think you are sucking sour grapes you girly men.
Nah - Now that Arnold has flipped and flopped back into a moderate, he'll do.
Don't forget the pro-Nazi part, with Arnold handing out LPs of his favorite National Socialists making speeches in the original German. He and David Cobb have so much in common.
Wait, I thought most of Arcata and Eureka were socialist. I thought you guys would be the first to start goose stepping to Arnolds tune.
I heard that Nick Bravo voted for the Gropenator.
1:23am-We's out here on the Peninsula's due nut liv in's Eureka or Arcata. Slumoa is my residentsses. We's bean labeleds Sand Dwellers.
u sound like you b stayin up past your bedtime sandboy!!
Know what I like about nighttime on the penninsula? The sand dwellers can't see the tsunami coming.
Quit being a girly man.
What's wrong with groping women? Don't they like it?
Perhaps Richard is just angry because he hasn't been groped yet. Not even his obese, beer swillin, toothless co-workers want to grope him....and he's given them every opportunity.
11:14am-Jealous co-worker?
Rich I'll grope you at work on Monday if you want. Just let me know where and when exactly. Course I refuse to grope anything below your belt line.
Okay-Is someone from work messing with my blog? How would they know I am scheduled for monday? Somebody beer swilling and toothless at Evergreen. Well that narrows the field very little. Hmmm.
Don't worry Rich. I'm sure you'll like the gentle caress of my big strong hands.
Don't fall for it Richard! It's the Old Hag of the Sea! She preys on sand dwellers! She'll turn you into soup and slurp you down!
Hi Rich! It's Monday. You'll find out who I am, I'll sneak up on you in the break room or somewhere where you're all by yourself. Then I'll grope those manbreasts of yours from behind.
Henry Ford admired Hitler too. I don't like Fords or Nazis.
To olde sea hag-Aha! Monday has passed Grope-less. How many hours do you think I have to wait in the Break -Room? I have to work tomorrow also.
6:35 your comment doesn't make any sense.
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