Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Humboldt Progressive Democrats huge meeting tonight concerning Assemblyman Jim Wood.

The Humboldt Progressive Democrats will be deciding whether to with hold endorsing current Assemblyman Jim Wood because of his position on SB562. Former assembly-persons Patty Berg and Wes Chesbro are going to speak on behalf of current Assemblyman Jim Wood as will other local democrats. Lots of e-mails going back and forth the last few days. Will be interesting. Meeting starts at 6pm at 129 5th St. Eureka.


Anonymous said...

Uh, Bernie voter here - and long-time progressive.

Mr. Wood is fine, and he's ours, and let's keep him.

Why not just support Medicare for all?

Why not stick with a winner?

Or is this the famous circular firing squad?

Anonymous said...

Appreciate the recommendation. Let me try it out.