Seems to be a a two sided racist issue when it comes to domestic violence. There is a great No more program being brought forward using many African American athletes to educate America on domestic violence issues. But NASCAR has totally ignored the issue allowing Kurt Busch to participate today in a NASCAR event in Phoenix where he finished and placed 7th. So Ray Rice is given an indefinite suspension and Kurt is not even considered. Is it a race issue? I believe so. Last week there was an NASCAR brawl that had very little coverage. If this incident happened in the NBA there would be epic media since blood was drawn on two popular athletes. Just saying. For anyone out there needing help with domestic violence, here is the website:
Sheriff Honsal, DA Eads, Deputy DAs, DA Investigators and HCSO deputies
filled the courtroom for closing arguments in the Widmark jury trial
(Jesse Widmark)
(Brandon Widmark)
Yesterday, after sitting through 21 days of an intense jury trial, jurors
in the Brandon and Jesse Widmark jury tria...
5 hours ago
You liberals are a piece of work, always throw racr into everything. Little difference between watching a man(who gives a crap what color)know his girlfriend out on video and drag her like a piece of meat out of elevator, then it is to have someone make allegation of abuse against you and before a right to a fair trial to kick him out of race. Really you are a piece of work. Just liek a true liberal you are. when your un important throw the race card around. Really you and obama and sharpton are what is wrong with the world. Throwing race some where , where it dont belong. You can bet your ass if this womens charges are substaniated he will out of nascar. But with liberal race baiters like yourself trying to start race problems for votes or story headlines you are the problem. And if you dare post this comment you will soon find 99% of people who read it will agree.You will go the way of the democrats in this election down the road. America is sick of people like you and see right through your country dividing BS. There are still real race issue which as a country we fix a little more everyday. But with liberals like yourself trying to stop the progress jsut shows you have no life. So go ahead pick on my spelling be a true liberal. God your something else. no real stories, no real issue gotta make up crap like this
Oh dear...
Why do so many conservatives write like they're still in the 5th grade?
Thank you Richard for this post and all your personal work on domestic violence. You are one of the good guys.
Anon, where were you decrying the importance of race when the first ships landed on this continent carrying slaves, or when the Constitution was written giving African Americans 3/4 personhood, or speaking out through the unimaginable horrors during slavery, or during the Jim Crow years post CivilWar with the rise of the KKK and lynchings, or today when seemingly any metric economic, social etc will be able to demonstrate significant differences between whites and African Americans?
Anon, I'm glad we are on the same page. You are right, opportunity should be blind to race, now lets finish creating a society where that's true. We can start by acknowledging that ones opportunity will depend on ones race right now and work on fixing this.
Btw the previous comment was by me, liberal jon.
One more thing. I don't want to be in any way responsible for changing the subject here. This is a post about domestic violence and Richard should be commended for all his leadership in this field. It's critically important work that is lacking in support.
Again, way to go Richard for this post bringing attention to something we'd often rather not talk about in a manner that is relate-able, but more importantly thank for your dedication, time and work on domestic violence in Humboldt.
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