Robin and I were having lunch at the Sizzler in Eureka on Sunday when a guy came through the door on 5th st. and walked up to our table and asked for change. I looked at him and said, "You are seriously panhandling us while we are eating?" One of the workers came over and said he does this quite often, but usually outside. There are places providing food for the needy in Eureka. I was a chronic enabler and soft touch for years but it is out of control. What is the solution? Other communities give out citations to the people giving money. Is that the solution? Got me, but it is getting much worse in Eureka. Not better.
Immigration agents arrest Palestinian activist who helped lead Columbia
University protests
Khalil was in the U.S. as a permanent resident with a green card.
9 hours ago
I thought the same thing when I left Costco sun morn and saw panhandlers every couple of feet lined on the street. There were at least 10 different groups from the drive way to the corner stop sign
Legalize meth, watch the price drop, and let them kill themselves faster. And, bonus, there will be less incentive for meth heads to smash your car window and steal your stuff because meth won't be as expensive.
Was it the Mission that used to give out the "meal tickets" you could give to a panhandler? I miss those.
Have them grab the back of your chair, surely you will lose the soft heart!
Stop giving to them. If you want to give, there are several places that can put the money to use.
I think the answer is a 10% tax hike. Along with a 20$ per hour min. wage, all our problems will be solved. Progressively speaking.
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