This could actually happen if 1st District Congressman Mike Thompson is redistricted to the valley. Talks have been ongoing and don't be shocked if it comes true. I would think with Bonnie's ties all over the coastal counties would make her a very viable candidate. In the past she ran for the 1st District Assembly Seat as a Republican in the primaries in the 90's. Both Virginia and Bonnie have proven they can raise tons of money, and that is what this race will take.
Already officially announcing an exploratory committee is 6th District Assemblyman Jared Huffman who will be termed out in 2012 and needs a job. He is set to raise $500,000 for this race and is the early front runner. Although I bet less than 5% in Del Norte and Humboldt County knows who he is. 2nd District State Senator Noreen Evans is also rumored to be in the mix but says it is way to early to speculate. Radical author and true Democratic "progressive" Norman Solomon is also planning to run. This race could be crazy good!
The International Association of Chiefs of Police and Fraternal Order of
Police issued a joint statement an hour ago on the recent presidential
The International Association of Chiefs of Police and Fraternal Order of
Police issued a joint statement an hour ago on the recent presidential
7 hours ago
Bass is already going to give up her Supervisor's gig?
Probably not. I am throwing it out there. You never know what could happen if this redistricting goes through as proposed.
I gotta get some of what your smoking Richard!
Marin & Sonoma counties have a combined population of ~750,000. Humboldt county has about 80,000 registered voters. There's no way Bon Bon or the Bassomatic could hold a candle to the number of votes and amount of financial support that an established Marin/Sonoma politico can summon.
I can relate to fanciful musings while a tad intoxicated. Remember to pass it on before you bogart it though!
Snicker: Good points, but look how Wes has done for Senate and then for Assembly. Local Patty Berg before that. Hauser for 14 years in Assembly. It can and has been done. Bonnie has ties all over coast counties. Just saying.
I never bogart.
Richard you are way behind. Lynn Woolsey is retiring. Huffman wants to replace her. The new district will probably start at the Mendocino County line, so Huffman is irrelevant.
Word "on the street" is that Mike is fine with losing the northcoast as his constituency. However, Mike wants someone who shares his vision on the Klamath watershed in particular. Could be Wally Herger, and Mike sits the whole thing out. Could actually be Bonnie. Either way Thompson is very unlikely to remain Humboldt's congressman if he doesn't fight to keep the northcoast.
If the districts stand as now proposed by the Citizens Redistricting Commission, Humboldt will be in a vast coastal Congressional district that runs from the Golden Gate to the Oregon border. Humboldt will be lumped in with Marin and Sonoma counties. I have no problem believing Virginia Bass is going to waltz into Sonoma and Marin and out-raise and out-poll Jared Huffman, Norman Solomon, Noreen Evans, Michael Allen or even perhaps Gavin Newsom. Because, hey, she's real popular in Eureka.
Andrew: Read my post again. Bonnie has probably an edge because of her ties to the coastal counties. But you have to admit, both Bonnie and Virginia can raise a boat load of money. Nearly a half of Million between the 2 in a County Supervisor race?
You're right Richard. Jared called me last week to ask if I knew whether Bonnie or Virginia were planning to run for Congress. Because if either of them are in the race Jared knows he has no chance.
Why so sarcastic Andy? Is this just another extension of your anger at Virginia for winning last election? I even alluded to Bonnie being the top viable candidate form Humboldt. If Solomon and Huffman split votes and there are 5or more candidates running it is not that far fetched. And no, most people in Humboldt, Del Norte and Mendocino don't know the other legislatures that you have to deal with on a daily base because it is your job. Your postings make you sound most pompous.
I think that it is a nice fantasy to think that someone from an insignificant locale such as this could actually win a relevant seat but it aint gonna happen, unless they are REALLY in the pocket of some heavy hitters. There just isn't the money or the recognition here. One fundraiser for a few hours in Sonoma would outdraise a whole campaign season here. Sad, but true.
I realize you are just speculating - but it would be a HUGE mistake for her to make a move like that when she has only just been elected Supervisor. She needs to show that she can DO that job, and that she really wanted that job before she (or anyone in that or any other elected position) goes off using it as nothing more than a stepping stone.
That applies to Lovelace as well, who is the other one rumored to be grooming for a higher position.
And - for the record, Noreen Evans' whining and crappy attitude ought to ensure that she never gets re-elected to anything. She's responsible for the current disaster the state is facing and she is whining about her car allowance, and about not getting paid because they tried to slip through a piss poor excuse for a budget.
I may not like Chesbro, but at least he is saying the right things. Now, if he would just start DOING the right thing. CUT SPENDING TO THE BONE AND SAVE THE STATE FROM BANKRUPTCY. Quit the partisan bitching.
Get help Rose.
So now you turn on Virginia, Rose? Let me tell you something Rose, and listen close. Virginia can do ANY DAMN THING she wants. If she is the most qualified candidate, SHE IS THE MOST QUALIFIED CANDIDATE.
What is this over Rose? Did Virginia snub you? Is it because of her registration? Maybe Virginia wants nothing to do with you because you are the TOUCH OF DEATH to every candidate you support. Allison Jackson. Worth Dikeman. The list goes on. Do us all a favor, and shut your tabloid trash mouth up.
WOW! That's quite a response! You say someone ought to DO the job they have been elected for before running for higher office and suddenly that's interpreted as an attack and a snub? Are you nuts?
If she were to immediately run for another office, you'd be the first one to attack her for not having experience or accomplishment.
Give her a chance.
No Rose, I support Virginia 100%. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. You are slyly indicating that Virginia must first prove she can "do" her current job as supervisor. Your slime filled mouth seems to be indicating she has not done so already. Shame on you Rose the backstabber.
What do you not understand Rose? Do you not understand why Virginia wants nothing to do with you? Is that it? Are you so filled with hate that all you can think about is trying to ruin Virginia's political career as a way of compensating for your own failures?
Don't try and throw it back on me Rose. What you have written is clear as day. You have attacked Virginia. Shame on you. You are one nasty piece of work.
Get help Salzman, your Rose fixation is pathetic.
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