The International Association of Chiefs of Police and Fraternal Order of
Police issued a joint statement an hour ago on the recent presidential
The International Association of Chiefs of Police and Fraternal Order of
Police issued a joint statement an hour ago on the recent presidential
7 hours ago
I agree Richard. I've never understood why an entire organization endorses candidates at all unless every person that belongs to that organization endorses or is going to vote for that person. There's nothing wrong with having some individuality within the group.
Wonder who you're going to vote for Richard?
Too late.
You can't put candidates through the hoops and then cop out.
Not fair.
Richard is representing the weakest excuse for a Democratic candidate, so no surprises here. Leonard has always been a Democrat, Neely was a moderate Republican, but her switch makes sense, since Dems like her.
What makes Bass a good Democatic candidate? Why do Republicans/conservatives support her?
I'd say the reason that parties exist is to elect candidates with similar ideas and that party members approve of. Its up to the party members to make a strategy to achieve that.
following Richard's stupid argument. Why should even the executive committee be able to vote on the endorcement question and then dictate to those on the committe who voted against the majority? If you don't agree with the organization, work to change it or leave.
Recommending one over another is a way to ensure a Democrat will win office. Split votes can lose elections. Of course, a person is free to run without party endorcement or to not even seek a party endorcement.
So Richard, you're some sort of Democrat, right?
10:29-Lifelong Democrat as a matter of fact. Socially a flaming Liberal to people who know me. Participated at many anti war gatherings and No on 8 protests. I not only supported Measure T, I distributed information. I have been on the Democratic Central Committee three different decades. Helped Democrat candidates with campaigns from President through school boards. And your credentials are?
So why are you supporting the Republican (registered as a Dem) in the 4th District?
Were you at the tea bagger rally at the courthouse today, Richard? There were some Bass signs there.
No. And neither was Virginia.
How do you explain the Bass signs? The North Coast Journal has video of Bass signs at the Tea Party protest today.
10:42am- You must be confused. I am supporting Virginia Bass not Bonnie Neely who was a Republican for 30 some odd years and a donor/member of the ultra conservative California "Lincoln" club. Oh, and how can I forget her writting a glowing Guest Opinion for Arnold not long back. Bonnie just changed her voter reg recently to Democrat.
6:04pm-Since we are all anonymous and such, maybe YOU put those signs there! Damn you for it! (Just kidding.) I have no idea why the signs were there. It was not part of our campaign plan.
(Did you pay your taxes today?)
I saw some Tea Party prepared signs that had been painted on the Bass for Mayor signs but somehow I missed the Bass for Supervisor signs if indeed there were some.
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