I would like to thank everyone in the 4th Division that participated in this election. It is a right that should not be taken for granted. Thank you, Dennis Hunter, for 20 years of service as the 4th Division Commissioner.
I especially want to thank Matt Owen, my relentless campaign manager, and all of the walkers and phone bankers for this election; Virginia Bass, Frank Jager, Chris Holmquist, Charlene Cutler-Ploss, Richard Mostranski, Elizabeth Farnsworth, Mary Marks, Mike Newman, Sal Tabarez, Ron denHeyer, Perry Price, Julie Timmons, Susan Brinton, Marianne Hassler, Bob Borck and Hollie Klingel.
I would also like to thank the following organizations that endorsed the Marks for Harbor Commissioner 2009 campaign; the Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee, Humboldt County Central Labor Council, Humboldt and Del Norte Building Trades, Association of Western Pulp and Paper Workers Local 49, United Brotherhood of Carpenters Local 751, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 551, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 1684, Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 290, Operating Engineers Local 3 and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union local 14.
And foremost I would like to thank my ever patient wife, Robin, for putting up with me.
To my constituents in the 4th Division, I have honorable intentions and will serve you to the best of my abilities.
Convicted sex offender Jacob Roberts arrested two years later and once
again for possession of child pornography
Fortuna Police Department just issued this press release. I covered Jacob
Roberts before and he was arrested again by FPD for the same charge.
3 minutes ago
Richard, this is Julie Timmons emailing you from a computer in the Jacksonville Public Library. I just got email again for the first time since we left on Oct 5.
I am SO HAPPY you won and know you will be a great commissioner. just heard about Pellegrini. Interesting. NOBODY here has computers and they don't have MSNBC. I am going to kiss the ground when I get back to California.Lots of adventures on the trip.Again congrats and best wishes to Robin.
Congratulations, Richard. I expect you will be a fine addition to the district.
Interesting group of support staff Richard. I don't know Matt Owen very well, but isn't he a Republican?
Richard, goodluck with the harbor.
I hope it works out better for the area than the railroad joke.
Your old work mate
Jerry E.
Stu: Matt is a Democrat.
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