I was knocking on doors in Eureka today and a lady answered the door wielding a huge knife. I looked at her wide eyed and she looked at her hand with the knife and realized she had carried it from the kitchen and it was actually kind of funny. (Got a sign placement out of it.) I probably walked more miles today than I have ever done in a campaign. And I have walked this district more than a few times.
Art's alive looked busier than I have ever seen it. People are probably thinking this will be the last good chance weather wise. I was tabling right next to a dancing troupe raising money for refuges in Darfar. We donated to their cause.
Convicted sex offender Jacob Roberts arrested two years later and once
again for possession of child pornography
Fortuna Police Department just issued this press release. I covered Jacob
Roberts before and he was arrested again by FPD for the same charge.
20 minutes ago
Great job Richard. Keep it up!
Richard, I see your signs all over Eureka now clearly outnumbering the Ash signs. I noticed that Ash is esentially self funding his entire campaign. I wonder why he can't get hardly anyone to contribute to his themeless cause. How much does it cost to buy an elected position in Eureka?
Don't take anything for granted, but I predict a huge win for living wage jobs in Eureka. Thank you for running.
John and Susan have been out there knocking on doors also. If you see a Marks sign out there, chances are I have knocked on that door and been in the neighborhood.
Yeah it was really fun working that campaign that night. Really cold night. Those belly dancers were brave to dance in that cold weather. Now that is courage! How come you didn't tell me about this when I was in the car with you going door knocking dude? That would've been fun to hear about
Chris: We were too frantically getting ready between the knocking and the Art's alive thing. We will see you at the Cookhouse!
If anything Susan will pull votes from John Ash, you dont see many if any Susan Penn signs I predict she'll get 800-1200 sympathy votes anyway.
Agreed Richard-great job so far and we really liked the hairdo on your last mailer :)
800-1200 votes for Susan Penn? How many for the others?
good note anon:
There will be only about 4000 to 4500 votes in the 4th district race. Sympathy is around 5%.
Regards, Mike Harvey
Hahahaha!! I stand corrected!
Hey marks I was surprised to see the ash sign on the james hill trucking lawn on I st. Thought for sure you would get that one! RAT
Is James a renter? It may be a landlord/rental thing. I am kind of surprised.
somebody needs to ask them why theyre voting for Ash... its always worth a shot.
Phillip Arnot's office has a John Ash sign in front.
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