Convicted sex offender Jacob Roberts arrested two years later and once
again for possession of child pornography
Fortuna Police Department just issued this press release. I covered Jacob
Roberts before and he was arrested again by FPD for the same charge.
8 minutes ago
That is a nice piece. I have a question that I feel is very germaine to the race. What, exactly, are you going to do to create jobs? Please be specific and don't use innuendo and double-speak like most politicians do.
So, where do you stand on "Marina Center"?? Jager and the Mayor are big Arkley supporters.
I realize that almost nobody knows this, but the Marina Center and the boardwalk (or any other city property) has nothing to do with the role of the Harbor Commissioner. This is from the mouths of the county and city officials such as redevelopment offices and so on. Go and ask them yourself.
Since these posts were made within 10 minutes of each other, I will assume you are the same anonymous person. To the first question, I talked with a businessman from the valley who knows my experience in organizing in the paper industry. He has contacts and is hoping to help facilitate cardboard plant locate on the Peninsula. Should create 75 living wage jobs. I will do whatever I can to help with the process, and they would not have considered until my talks. There. No innuendo and double speak.
Marina Center. I don't recall this ever being discussed at Harbor District meetings. You know something I don't? It is a City of Eureka issue. I am running for Harbor Commissioner.
Richard is right. According to city and county officials, this falls under the control of the elected city officials.
Richard - personally, I am sorry you had to identify yourself with Virginia and Frank.
It really gives the wrong impression to many of us Dems. They do not represent us in any way.
Buettner - it is a NON-PARTISAN position.
Rose? Non-partisan? WTF?
Carson here is the answer to your question. I asked the city of Eureka city clerk, Kathleen Franco Simmons, and she said county and city government seats are non partisan. Don't believe me? Go and ask them yourself
I said, "Rose? Non-partisan? WTF?"
Chris,all elections held in a general election are non-partisan.Partisan elections only occur in primary elections.
The amount of voter ignorance expresses here is incredibly large. Blind leading the blind off the cliff.
I have not published some of the comments that have came in on this thread that are pretty heated. If you would like me to post your venom, please identify yourself and I will be more than happy to print your comments. But I am not going to let you do that anonymously. That is why I have started to monitor this blog.
Rose, Richard once told me that there is no such thing as a non-partisan election.
Stu: I stick by that.
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