Tuesday, October 11, 2016

What happened to adult league basketball?

When I started out working in the Louisiana Pacific (LP) Sawmill in the 70's, I was asked to come out play in the mill basketball league on Saturdays. It was full of teams from Simpson, LP, Schmidbauer and other businesses related to forest product. There were also basketball leagues in Scotia, Fortuna, Eureka, Arcata, Blue Lake and Korbel. (Not to mention HSU) Lois Busey ran the LP league until the 80's. Then the city of Eureka decided to do a fall league for just 30 and over players. That left a hole for players under 30, so I ran the LP Fall Ball open league. We always seemed to be full and had spirited basketball for years. At one time I played in the Arcata, Eureka Rec and Church Leagues, Korbel, Samoa and tournaments to boot. Now you are limited to just Eureka. There are only 7 teams. About 70 players participating. I had more than that in the Samoa LP league! I know we have more people in the county now than in the 80's and 90's. Is adult recreation just not popular or is the opportunity lacking?

1 comment:

Fred Mangels said...

Cause it's boring?