Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Former Machine Room Pulp Mill workers meet up.

Ten of us former Machine Room pulp mill workers met at Toni's in Arcata recently. We had over 320 years of working experience at the mill combined. I was the youngest there at 59. They were excited to hear about the new renovations and the cleanup work ongoing at the pulp mill. We were able to catch up on families and life also. It was kind of cathartic and I was glad I could answer questions about the Environmental Protection Agencies involvement and the garnering of New Market Tax Credit monies to refurbish the Warehouse and buildings with new siding, windows, doors and a roof. Hopefully the new iteration of the Pulp Mill site will create as many jobs as it did in its former life and the Harbor District will continue on it's march to have a "clean" piece of property.


Julie Timmons said...

No pictures? Sounds like a great gathering.

Fred Mangels said...

Okay. Time to roll up this blog and shut 'er down. No use clogging up cyberspace with a dead blog.