Friday, May 09, 2014

Samoa Beach Clean-Up Meeting!

Jennifer Savage shared some information.
Monday, May 12

1:30 p.m.

Woodley Island Meeting Room

We all know that illegal dumping and litter are significant problems in Humboldt County. Humboldt Surfrider and the Northcoast Environmental Center have been focusing on the Samoa peninsula in particular as a place to implement change through beach cleanups, the Adopt-A-Beach program and by supporting the dedication of the PacOut Green Team.

The PacOut Green team (sponsored by Pacific Outfitters) spends one hour every Saturday cleaning up the beach, highway, bay and surrounding areas (with the occasional foray into Eureka). We'd like to help ensure they have supplies and a way to dispose of the trash without incurring fees. 
We'd also like to address the larger issues of people dumping on the spit by working with the proper agencies on notification, enforcement and cleanup.
We're hoping to involve businesses/agencies/other organizations in stewardship of the peninsula through the Adopt-A-Beach program and/or sponsored cleanups.
By the end of the day, I'd love to have a clear idea regarding the following:

Who wants to help take care of the beaches?
What should a person do when witnessing or discovering illegal dumping?
What businesses would want to sponsor the PacOut team and/or other beach cleanups (through Adopt-A-Beach, etc.)?
Are any business, landowners, etc., interested in supporting an educational campaign?
What other ideas do people have as far as preventing dumping, littering, etc.?

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