Thursday, February 01, 2007

Palco screws over their workers!

I watched channel 3's news coverage of the Palco disaster. Seems they made promises to workers they have not kept. Then their legal team is hiding from the blame by saying the "it is in the bankruptcy court's hands, not our." Worse kind of people are those who have no regard for the workers. Then the TS does a story pretty much saying, "you workers are no longer assets to the company, so go get in line with the others we owe money to." Times-Standard Online - PL severance packages on hold Just makes me sick!

David Cobb has an excellent atricle today Times-Standard Online - Wall Street vs. Main Street concerning the subject. Those workers who have been ripped off should be holding up pickets as a group until they get what is owed them.

Heraldo also covers this subject well. Humboldt Herald


Anonymous said...

They should picket, but unfortunately Richard, you're not their to get them to Organize!

Anonymous said...

What did you expect? Anybody with any brains could see this coming 20 years ago when Hurwitz first took the company over took on way more debt than could ever be repaid.

Fred Mangels said...

That's spelled TheRE (to get them...), 4:46.

Heraldo Riviera said...

Thanks for the plug, Richard. It is a terrible situation, indeed, despite the fact that many saw it coming.

samoasoftball said...

The sad part is that the workers feel they can not go public. This whole Palco fiasco is like a train wreck in slow motion.

Anonymous said...

Gee Fred, sorry. Didnt know Obsessive Compulsive Disorder was a side effect of heavy morning drinking.

Heraldo Riviera said...

Heavy drinking leads to better spelling?


Anonymous said...

It apparently leads to a guy drinking on the internet all day and then mowing his mother-in-laws lawn for a career.