This will be the future home to Murphy's Market in the next few years in Samoa. There will also be a gas station according to town owner Dan Johnson in his latest update to about 30 residents.
This year 2020 there will be the Phase one opening of a new affordable housing complex on Vance ave. This will include a new secondary sewage treatment plant that will be hooked to the Old Pulp Mill Outfall line. Then all houses on on Vance avenue will be hooked up to new sewage and electrical lines from the new apartments to the Samoa Gym. This should be finished by November. (The softball field will get new lights, but not until phase 6 down the road.) Then the Houses (Including my Brown one below) on Rideout St. and Sunset Ave. will also have new utilities. The 60 houses should be put up for sale, but not before they are upgraded to be able to garner home loans.
The new Community Service District will start their formation and start collecting revenues in about a year and half and be functional on their own in 3 years.
The next phases of new construction should take the town to over 1,000 residents in about 4 years.
New plots of property should be available to check out in about 6 months. The timeline for the town of Samoa is going to move quickly now.