Anti Corporate, pro single payer health, anti war, against rural post office shutdowns, wants to invest in education and holds the creation of jobs as #1 priority.
This is the only candidate for congress that has been around the Humboldt County population hub multiple times. A Progressive doing a real grassroots campaign. Sounds like a good candidate to me!
No experience, all these groups he has been in are nothing but progressive put together self help. Not one did shit for anybody, nor came up with anything important.
He is far to the left of Thompson. Yep, another O'bomb.
recalibrating reality word by word
I do not write enough these days. I don’t know when I ever wrote “enough,”
but a time existed during which I wrote more. I start with this fact as a
way to...
SHORT RIBS and Random Thoughts, Wed Nov 21, 2021
BE GLAD you’re not enrolled in Kaiser! My friend got into a billing dispute
with them and they actually hung up on him, then they transferred him to
Progresive, souuds like another O'bomb a. I would like to hear more.
No experience, all these groups he has been in are nothing but progressive put together self help. Not one did shit for anybody, nor came up with anything important.
He is far to the left of Thompson. Yep, another O'bomb.
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