"Just FYI the named arrest for the zoo vandalism is Christina Higgins son… "
After my post on the Sequoia Park Zoo arrest of 19 year old Andres Deon
Escareno-Higgins, I received a tip on March 7.
"Just FYI the named arrest for...
1 hour ago
I happily voted no on all except for "F". Yipee!
Me too. I was gleeful filling out the "NO" bubbles on everything except for "F"
It is time to destroy and rebuild our government.
Richard - my own party (dem) has really created this problem and it is time for a decent flush job. NO more Chesbro's, Bergs, Wiggins. Those days are gone.
I don’t think that it is republican or democrat I think it is the people who don’t take the time to study the issues. I also voted NO on everything except F. That will not change anything until we get together and tell THEM that we want to live our own lives and that they work for us.
I (we) also voted no except for 1F which is a "yes" if you don't want them to get raises.
I agree with jmc at 323 pm that we need to tell them that we want to live our own lives and not be overly taxed because they want their cars purchased or them and they want their gasoline purchased for them and they wanr to have catered food purchased for them, but they want to increase taxes for all of us.
The "legislators" live very well and a lot of them run their own businesses - attorneys get paid, doctors get paid in the "clinic" and there is a lot more to this one.
Sorry I meant to say:
cars purchased for them
What do you think of Eureka going to a ture ward system?
7:31am-It would sure save candidates money and headaches.
Not only did the legislature give themselves a big fat raise, they also increased their own expense accounts to 90K and the year before they passed legislation that would put a sgt at arms on duty FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE to chauffeur TO AND FROM THE AIRPORT.
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