Now that I have your attention, Bruce said this out of frustration of not having a representative from Samoa Acquisition present at the meeting to discuss a temporary contract with the water district. He wanted to make it clear to the press and public that the Water Board was going up and above being fair in allowing for a temporary reduced rate of $21,230 per month, which is the price the district has to shell out to deliver 3 million gallons.
Board members were also not happy with an e-mail from Bob Simpson sent to Carol Rische that was made public, outlining Bob's plan to only pay $15,000 per month. They felt it was too demanding.
Where were the Pulp Mill workers? I was the only one there. Guess no one really cares anymore? Might be time to dust off those resumes people.
"Just FYI the named arrest for the zoo vandalism is Christina Higgins son… "
After my post on the Sequoia Park Zoo arrest of 19 year old Andres Deon
Escareno-Higgins, I received a tip on March 7.
"Just FYI the named arrest for...
1 hour ago
"Where were the Pulp Mill workers? I was the only one there. Guess no one really cares anymore?"
Try none of us knew about it. I found out about it a little after 11am when I read your blog.
You only posted it a little more then a hour before it started.
If Bob Simpson wants a mill that will run, why not get a contract with Local 49?
Maybe he really wants it to run
so he dosn't want local 49..
they will just demand higher
wages and benefits and end up
driving him out of busines
because of their demands...
I checked my E-mail, the sub standard and your blog before I left to conduct my business at 9:00 this morning like I do every morning. I saw nothing or I would have changed my schedule. What ever happened to 72 hours notice, or was this a regular meeting? If so why was the pulp mill not on the agenda and the union members notified?
We would of been their too,but didn't know that it was to be anything about the mill.If we did know,for sure,we would of been their,like all the other water board meetings.
From what we heard on the news tonight,Bob has two days to contact the water board about the payment amount,if they don't hear from Bob,they will have a meeting next week and they could turn the water OFF.
Now why would Bob only want 3 million gallons a day for 3 months, when it takes at least 10 to keep the outfall pipe open......unless perhaps it is never going to be run as a pulp mill again???
It has been marked on my main calander. I should have maybe posted it a few days ago but didn't put it high on my list of priorities. Then find out things are getting heated at Water headquarters.
The Regular Board Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month in the Boardroom of the Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District at 828 Seventh Street, Eureka, California.
Beginning in April 2009, the Board will begin their regularly scheduled meetings at 1:30. This schedule is being done on a trial basis.
If you call the Water District office, they will e-mail you notification.
5:36pm-We are the lowest paid pulp mill you will find. So low that when Evergreen put out a call for experienced pulp mill workers, we had very little response.
6:22pm-It was a regular meeting and the pulp mill was on the agenda.
6:45pm-It sounds like there will be no tolerance, and Bob will have to do some Public Relations healing with the water board.
8:24pm-The Pulp mill has been recieving 3 million gallons per day. It is enough to keep the line open.
For those who have been sent e-mail reports from Tom Rielly, let us hope for the best but be prepared for the worse.
Don't worry, Richard - everyone who lost their job is magically going to get jobs building bridges, dontcha know? That's what the SPENDULUS PORKGASM is for.
Oh Rose, when you talk like that it gives me goosebumps.
Rose, wha the hell are you talking about?
Don Nolan never bought Eel River Sawmills and there are two sides to Rex Bohn,
Oh please since I have known him for over 50 years share your theory of his two sides the auctioneer for non profits which I know he doesnt charge for or his donation of time to all of the youth activities, when does he become the terrible person you portray him to be, his biggest problem is he doesnt beat around the bush he says it like he sees it
There will be a special water board meeting next Wed, the 18th at 9am.
How come Rex Bohn always gets brought up. You people are SCARED of him!!Yes he does say it like it is. Leave him out of this. He has another job and has moved on just like all of you should do.
What a great thread.
If Rex is so great how come
he got beat by Chris...
If you new anything Rex won his ward, it was all the dope smokers outside of the ward that didn't understand until it was to late, then they come to Rex ans say I should have voted for you. How does this always turn out to be about Rex and his life, this is about the MILL AND IT'S FUTURE. Not about Rex Bohn. Move on!!!
What is all of this about, people have the right to feel the way they do. However what make you think that others are interested, in your attemps to bash someone. I for sure would rather hear about things that are going on.
What was Mr. Bohn running? He never signed my paycheck. So let it go and work on making this new co work so we can get back to work. Maybe you don't have to work but I do
I saw Rex Bohn and he was driving a Chevrolet pick up now I know why GM is failing and I saw him go into Bank of America and that is failing at least his Little League seems to do well.
Now you went and jinxed his little league team :(
Rich there are days I wish you would have set up this blog to not allow Anons. Many of my friends on set their blogs up that way. Sure keeps down the flames
I don't think this equals a flame... Everyone is entitles to their opinion. Fortunately Richard is one of the only bloggers left to actually understand this.
I didnt mean this post, I have seen many posts in Richs blog that were just a waste of electricity. The type that just slams everyone and anyoone then the person dont have the huevos to even add a handle to it.
12;40, you don't know (with a k)shit. Rex didn't lose because of dope smokers outside his ward. He lost because he was part of that Republican conservative regime that Nancy Fleming was part of. The people of Eureka were tired of their bull shit and good old boy attitude.
In retrospect you are probably right he lost to a liberal better man who has yet to get a job do anything for his community except fall in line with the Bonnie Piersons do not let any competition ruin my world rhetoric
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