Sunday, September 23, 2007

Over 50 hours spent out of last 84 spent at Evergreen.

Doing a little "OT" at the mill. 4 people have been "terminated" in the last couple months. Maybe more. A few did not have their probation period in and did not seem to like to show up or show up on time. Seems to me that people would like making a decent wage.

I have a few days off coming up thank goodness. Sleep eat and work can be a drag in large doses.


  1. Larry Glass for re-election! Ha! Beat your recall Larry comment!

  2. Anonymous8:16 PM

    You Sand Dwellers are all the same. Lazy incompetent boobs. You're charged with one task: Making pulp. And you can't even do that right.

  3. Oh oh, I thought we harvested Kelp! There goes nearly 30 good years of employment on the beach.

  4. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Don't forget pooping. You do poop while doing OT right?

  5. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Pooping is not allowed at the pulpmill.

  6. Anonymous8:24 AM

    C'mon Samoa....we all know Evergreen is launching nuclear submarines from that clandestine base. Oh, and of course, emitting mind altering substances through the air that are controlling the populace.

    Sigh....I remember when there were so many mind altering emitting stations up and down the coast.
    And lots of people were working for those bastards. It was all a conspiracy to keep the people down!

  7. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Richard, if you can find time for eating and sleeping during overtime, you need to find time to poop! It's not healthy to go so long without a good healthy grunt. Don't forget to flush before you start wiping.

    -- A Mother

  8. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Does Arkley poop?

  9. Anonymous10:59 PM

    scatalogical humor!

  10. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Arkley poops! He has'nt figured out how to have Randy or Brian do it for him yet! Butt,it is still time to RECALL LARRY GLASS!

  11. Anonymous8:43 AM

    recall the entire council!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Anonymous7:09 PM

    work? I've seen you punch a time clock, but I don't recall ever seeing you work. Now eatting is another thing, I've seen you eat plenty.

  13. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Hey Rich,do you work with anon 7:09? He sure sounds like a cum guzzler.

  14. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Hey Richard, I just left you a nice fat corn filled note all over the chip digester. It reads "Marks is paid in hand jobs" and is composed of my feces. Have a nice day.

    coworker X

  15. Anonymous6:37 AM

    co workerx,get some help. Playing with your own poop is a precursor to being a pediphle. Hope its not already too late,Someone who caresX

  16. Anonymous12:58 PM

    We really make bread out here not pulp and are considering orange juice also

  17. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Mr. Marks, since most of the overtime you work is by your choice, why do you whine so much about it
