The average hourly pay in Humboldt County now stands at around $11.81 an hour. The average hourly worker in the US now is at $17.38 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Home Page.
But we pay more for gas. We pay more for goods and services. Our crime index is almost twice the national average. Our cost of living index is over 20 points higher than the national average.,CA
Things are not getting better for our young adults....they are getting worse. I sure hope this is taken into account during the next elections. When do we hold our representatives accountable? Who is to blame? Things need to change drastically here in Humboldt County and Northern California or we will be exporting more of our decent potential young workers.
We are seeing a drastic change in our demographics. Our schools are consolidating and are declining in enrollment for the first time in decades. This is not happening overall around the state. Why is this happening to Humboldt County? Are we becoming a retirement community? Do we need to change county planning strategies to account for the future? We are nearing a crucial time of decision making. Any other observations?
Convicted sex offender Jacob Roberts arrested two years later and once
again for possession of child pornography
Fortuna Police Department just issued this press release. I covered Jacob
Roberts before and he was arrested again by FPD for the same charge.
2 minutes ago
There's a saying that below the neck your work is worth $1 an hour. The rest of the money is for what goes on above the neck.
That's a bunch of B.S.
So Nick, since you dont appear to have a neck why will nobody hire you?
And check the number of out of area job ads in the papers. These arent great jobs but even three dollars more an hour (more) really adds up over a year.
We just CAN"T have a high crime index, we have super Paul Gallego as D.A........ thanks hippies
Let's build more low income housing. Then $11 per hour will seem like a fortune. Let's all work for $11 an hour and give all our money to Dan Johnson so he can get more government grants to pay for 75% of the construction costs for his apartment complexes. And the rich get richer, because the corrupt politicos make all the rules that the rich play by.
DANCO owns the Board of Supervisors.
he owns bonnie thats a documented given as she is the only one saving girards job, falor had dirt on neely that is why the go away bonus.
Nick Bravo has been banned from HSU's computer labs.
Actually since he is not a student he can only use the computers in the lobby. So whether or not he's banned from labs is a moot point.
Falor had dirt on Neely?? Maybe that's the real tip of the iceberg here.
Danco always gets the county jobs. Did the remodel for a few million. I think he built the pup pound too another $3 mil. He isn't always the lowest bidder but the Supes come up with something on the low bidder and off we go with Danco. If everyone were required to watch the Supes meetings on TV it would be forced weight loss because at times you can sure lose your cookies over a lot of the things they vote yes on. Just imagine the letters to the editor - today's meeting caused me to lose 2 pounds, but last week's meeting caused me to lose 5 pounds as I couldn't eat for several days. lol
That's why he hides in there till after hours then uses the computer.
Nick bravo can go anywhere. He has superpowers and we are unfortunate not to see him using them.
Nick Bravo isn't me.
Yes he is. The rumor is Hank Sims is about to say so in the North Coast Journal.
Do it Hank! Do it!
If Hank Sims doesn't go ahead and expose the brain damaged Nick Bravo/Anon.R.Mous like he's asking for, then Hank Sims needs to shut up forever about the Humboldt County blogs and those that blog or comment on blogs. Nobody but nobody has been as big an asshole as Nick Bravo/Anon.R.Mous.
I refuse to walk my talk because then people will be expecting me to it on a regular basis. Then they might start accusing me of being....credible.
Just saying that word makes me shiver.
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