Saturday, April 25, 2020
Please don't lay COVID fear mongering on me! Here is a visual fact! Good job Humboldt!
1. Humboldt had its first case of Corona virus reported on February 20th.
2. There were no new reported cases until March 20th. Almost a month!
3. On March 25th we started baring the brunt of the travelers who came home to Humboldt with the disease. Who is to blame for letting people fly into Humboldt? They had the right to come home.
4. On April 2nd we reach a peak of 9 cases in one day. All traced to traveling in groups as best as we can figure.
5. On April 6th we have 5 cases, then the trend roles down hill.
6. From April 7th to April 24th we have only 4 new reported cases. 53 cases in total confirmed 9 community transmitted. Only 3 have not recovered. The rest were travelers and other.
7. Humboldt has "Flatten the curve" pretty well. Check out the graph.
We have been inundated with information and modeling that predicts death and destruction. I am not sure that is healthy in the long run. Instead of Humboldt getting, "Hey good job you all!" we hear nothing but the doom and gloom.
So I am hear to tell you, "Good Job Humboldt!" May we all get back to some sort of normal soon.
Wednesday, April 08, 2020
COVID 19 reading if you don't have list already.
These are the last 7 books i have read recently. Right now I am reading a philosophy type novel Tom Robbin's Skinny legs and all. I am also indulging on Thunderstruck by Erik Larsen about World War I era in England.
Just finished Blood Drenched Beard by Dan Galera. One of those books that you have to reflect on. Great Story telling. Love but no love, redemption where there is none, courage to the point of dumb. Lost found but not appreciated. A bunch of philosophical tie ins. Worth the trudging. But I will give it 4/5.
Just finished Blood Drenched Beard by Dan Galera. One of those books that you have to reflect on. Great Story telling. Love but no love, redemption where there is none, courage to the point of dumb. Lost found but not appreciated. A bunch of philosophical tie ins. Worth the trudging. But I will give it 4/5.
John Steinbeck- Grapes of Wrath. Still waiting for a hero
long after I read. Just sad hard times. Grateful to not have been on this trip. This was a very hard read. A classic that I will give 3.5/5.
John Jakes-American
Dreams. Love, hate, hope and passion both good and bad. I just love everything
Jakes. Now this is an easy read. A romp actually. I give it 4.5/5.
Kim Edwards-The Lake of Dreams. And it just might put you to
sleep too. Just a messed up young lady you just can’t feel sorry for and thin story-line. I give
this read a 2/5.
Michael Chabon-The Final Solution. I loved Kavalier and
Clay. This was a good quick read with lots of turns but at the end no real
surprises. I will give it a 3/5.
Jack Finney -From Time to Time. I thought I would love this
book. I barely tolerated. Just could not be convinced of the premise. So it had
a hard time keeping me interested. Way too much historical detail to say the least. I will say it is worth maybe 2/5.
Elmore Leonard-Out of Sight. Caught my attention, hoped for
the best all of the way through but knowing how it would end. I did enjoy, but
not outstanding. I give it 3/5.