Andy Caffrey supplies this latest poll showing Huffman as a runaway victor in this primary race with Susan Adams holding strong to second. Solomon just never seemed to gain traction it look like. Here are some outside looking in observations from the Samoasotball peanut Gallery:
Jared Huffman: Front runner from the start. Nice TV commercials and great mailers. Lots of high ranking endorsements. This guy will be tough to beat after June.
Susan Adams: Nice mailers, but I have not heard one radio ad or saw even one TV ad. And her campaign looks to be dead broke. But is she survives this primary, I will maybe double down my last donation.
Norman Solomon: Why, oh why did he have to negative on Stacey Lawson? His mailers about himself were really good and positive, but the negative mailers were just over the top. I am sure there are many out there who will not support Norman just for this. I have not seen one TV ad or heard one radio ad.
Stacey Lawson: All that money and you couldn't afford more than one TV production? I don't watch that much TV but this commercial is on all the time and is grievous to watch. Her radio ads are pretty much a mirror of the TV. This campaign has been nothing but damage control. Too bad. She is very intelligent and likable. Just needs to start smaller, but she wouldn't be a multi-millionaire with that thinking.
Andy Caffrey: The front runners ultimate campaign on a shoe string budget. Andy has gotten the biggest bang for the buck for sure! Jay Leno, MSNBC, Newspapers all over the North Coast and the best watch in all debates! But no TV or Radio that I have seen outside his facebook. And no mailers.
Dan Roberts: Nice TV commercials. His campaign needs only to identify himself as the true conservative Republican in the race. If he has a slick mailer going to Republicans and gets them to vote, he could be a dark horse.
The others: Good people with no chance. But they have had an exciting ride and maybe will focus on lower offices in there communities. Tiffany Renee excluded as she is in public office currently.